Past Imperfect

"That's yes. But first…" Sloan placed his hand in his pocket; then took out the gun and aimed it to the hostage. "…You'll know what it means." He fired at Vaughn's chest three times, bringing the younger man down to the floor with the blood running out of him.

I have to agree with Sydney Derevko Bristow about Vaughn. I always thought he was a bit of a wuss. I really loved Danny even though he was gone in one episode.

Sorry to tell you this, kitties, but for some time, the 9th chapter ill be the last one:smiley: That means that i'm gonna disappear again, LOL.

Sydney Derevko Bristow, i can trully understand you, but as to the sweet things for you, i can only promise that Sark is coming back in the chapter 19.

nicewoman, you'll know it when i get back to writing this fiction, LOL. Just hope the idea will be surprising:smiley:

Mcabello, thanks:smiley:

Bev, WHAT? You are frightening me, hon! Don't be that blood wishing heh...

Here we go,

Chapter 9

Boarding the yacht, Cathy once again thought of her brother. And she thought of Arvin. Why did he push so hard? Was there something that he didn't tell her? She remembered his stunned face when he first saw Derevko in her house. Sure, he knew the ghost was alive long before they had a chance to meet in person. In spite of all that he told her about his and Derevko's history, Cathy was sure the woman did not remember anything. It would be impossible to fake the reaction. But what was even more surprising, Arvin lost his emotional control at that moment.

Cathy jerked back to the reality to help Irina on board. "You okay?" she asked.

"Yes. It's really nice to be out. Thank you, Catherine." Irina spoke, shivering as the fresh wind met her body.

"Have a seat" Cathy said to her, while approaching the man in the front part of the boat. "The water's not that calm today."

Speaking to the captain, Cathy was remembering what Sloane said. "If Irina Derevko is alive, I most certainly want her here," Arvin said coldly. "I suggest since I paid enough I can demand that one thing."

"Yes, but…" Cathy stopped looking at her opponent. "I thought you wanted her organization down first."

"I also want to know what I'm paying for. If we have Derevko, we have everything that belongs to her," he had stated.

In twenty minutes, they were speeding from the shore, and the waves hitting the bow, sending sprays of water into the faces of people on the yacht. Irina leaned back in her seat, enjoying the wind in her face. The water from under the boat refreshed her as the air was windy, and the sun was hot this midday.

Suddenly, she had a vision of something she'd not known or remembered. The vision was so clear she could swear it was now a real for her. She was lying on a cement floor with a dark-haired woman standing above her shaking body. Irina's face was wet, and her breathing shallow.

"Ты ничего не хочешь сказать мне, солнышко?" Elena spoke. (*1*)"Ты же
знаешь, мы можем все повторить, если ты настаиваешь"
She smiled. (*2*).
"Я так понимаю, тебе путешествие понравилось?" Elena gripped Irina's hair in her hand and raised her a little. (*3*)

Irina whimpered and tried to get free. Her bones ached again. The whole motor-boat idea seemed to be a hell. She'd been tied by her hands to the boat and it drove up the river for hundreds of meters, dragging her body in the water. The water felt like stone, smashing into her ribs as the boat moved faster and faster. Her stomach had several huge bruises, not to mention that her wrists and legs were skinned in some places.

Elena looked at her sister, still waiting for the response which she did not get. She was about to slap Irina, but looked at her face and stopped just before it would hurt. Irina's face was one big bruise with some scratches and injured nose. Elena thought it wouldn't hurt at all. She smiled.

Irina's hands were tied behind her back, as well as were her feet locked to the wall. She couldn’t move even if she had the strength to. Elena leaned down and kissed her sister’s forehead. Then, she slowly spoke English, her accent heavy, causing even more horror in her sister's mind. Irina couldn't hide herself anywhere, not in her Laura being and not in her family’s. Elena would take care of everything.

"It's been three days since you're here, and you still pretend to be tough. You're not tough. You are just stubborn as our mother was. And in the end what good did it do her?" Elena let go of Irina's hair and stood up. "Tell me, what was in that Rambaldi manuscript?" She became serious, more like a boss than a sister. "I haven't done any permanent damage to you, yet. Don't make me, Irina."

Irina gasped for air as her sister kicked her to her stomach. Has it really been just three days? It seemed like an eternity to her here.

"No bones broken?" Elena smiled. "That's not for long, trust me." She went to the door and stopped just before leaving. "What do you prefer first? Hot needles under your nails, or maybe some cute scorpions?"

Irina jerked.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot they were your biggest phobia. Don't worry, you'll get used to them." Elena left laughing.

Irina felt someone's hand on her shoulder, and immediately came back to reality. She opened her eyes to see Cathy sitting next to her. "What's wrong?" Cathy asked.

"I think… I think I have a sister, or maybe had. And… who is Rambaldi?"

"Where did you hear that?" Cathy looked shocked.

"My sister asked me about some manuscript that this Rambaldi was author of and it seemed I had something to do with it."

Irina's body shook a little, and her mind remembered her sister's place. It was just a few hours after they nearly drowned her in the river, dragging her after the boat, when she heard the sound of her cell door being open. She opened her eyes to see Elena standing there with two men in khaki clothes.

One of them came closer and unlocked the chain that held her to the wall. He then took her by her upper arm and the second one helped him to take her out of the cell. Her arms were on fire as they'd been cuffed behind the back for a long time; her feet were numb and she could barely move, unable to walk. They dragged her thru the corridor to a mid-sized room with a gurney.

In three hours, she'd already had four sessions with the scorpions each sting adding a little dose of the poison to her blood. After each session, the doctor came and gave her an electroshock treatment. This way, Irina would stay conscious even though she had scorpion's poison in her veins.

Irina's hands and feet were secured to the gurney, and her mouth was stuffed with a cotton cloth. She'd not have a chance to scream even if she wanted to. Irina was dizzy from the poison, her chest burned as though on fire and her spine felt as though it was sliced into millions of pieces.

"Now that you're ready, we'll start the procedure." A female voice spoke whom Irina believed to be her sister. She tried hard to open her eyes but could not.

Then, everything went white.

And when she next knew she was there, Irina felt a sharp pain in her throat – she'd know later that it was the antidote for the scorpions’ poison. Elena didn't want her dead, not yet.

"My sister tortured me to get that manuscript. Or at least, that's what she… wanted me to believe." Irina spoke to Cathy, who was still near by when the woman opened her eyes again.

"When was it?"

Irina shook her head. "I've no idea." She rose, agitated, and moved closer to the edge of the deck. "It was summer weather...warm, very warm and wet."

Cathy turned to the man who just came into the view, spoke to him and then he left them alone again. "I asked for a tea. You need to calm down."

"Thank you" Irina said, trembling from the memories she’d just experienced. She'd never thought what people told her to be real. And now, it seemed even worse than what they'd told her. She clearly remembered shooting her sister.

You are a murderer.

And the strange feeling of relief once she did that she felt. Irina caught her breath. Was it pleasure? Was it?

End of chapter 9

*1* Rus. "Don't you want to tell me something, sunny?"
*2* Rus. "You know, we can make that again if you wish."
*3* Rus. "I assume you liked the trip?"
Maria said''

Sorry to tell you this, kitties, but for some time, the 9th chapter ill be the last one:smiley: That means that i'm gonna disappear again, LOL.

My thots on this announcement! :censored: :censored: OH NO~~~!!! ACKKK! :( SOB, SOB.

Well-well-well, speaks who:smiley: :Ph34r: The one who never comments? :D 👅

:smiley: well, it took me time, but i finally figured it out. that the more you post, thats how you move up to diffrent levels. i'm a jr. anylst now. see? lol anyway, now that i let your note about being the last chapt for a while sink in, THAT GUY WAS SLOANE?!?!?! :blink: the plot thickens...
and i just just remembered something... a few weeks ago, i was watching that movie The Bourne Identity, on tv, and it was like, the dvd on tv version i think they called it, and they had some of the people from the movie talk, and one guy is talking about jason bourne, and he says something like, "jason doesnt remember his past. so when he wakes up, he's like, 'i feel like a good person, so i must be a good person.' but he's not." and i didnt think of it right away, but all of a sudden it hits me, like,NOW i know why that sounds kinda familar!!
well, it took me time, but i finally figured it out. that the more you post, thats how you move up to diffrent levels.
Yeps, that's how it always works. Is it your first forum?

THAT GUY WAS SLOANE?!?!?! :blink: the plot thickens...
:o_O: Haven't you missed Mr.Sloan? 👅

i was watching that movie The Bourne Identity, on tv
I haven't watched it yet, cos we still have it here only in ukrainian, and it sucks.
Yeps, that's how it always works. Is it your first forum?

:o_O: Haven't you missed Mr.Sloan? 👅

I haven't watched it yet, cos we still have it here only in ukrainian, and it sucks.

shrugs. (i think Sloane looks like a Furby)

yeah, oh, i FINALLY got to introduce myself on the "introduce yourself" page. for some reason, that page usually only shows up only before i log in, but never after, and it finally did it that one time, so i took that as a opprotunity. :smiley:

try ordering it online ?maybe?

i saw that the last post was by you on jan 16th, and i got this wierd hope that you had put up another chap, and i was gonna say "long time? that wasnt too long! yay!" :LOL:
well she did say she was going to be busy, i should know. my teacher just told us to finish the rest of the book we had to read for english, we are on ch.8, and there's 25 chapters in all. it sucks when teachers act like they are the only class we ever had, like nobody has a life outsid of school. :dry:
and Maria, where are you? You don't even show up in the forum

Told ya so: being busy all the time... BTWm i just got back to Ukraine - as i spent the last 2 weeks+ in a far north Russia:smiley:

Can't tell you anything good as to the fiction, i really didn't have a chance to hug my computer tight enough to write smth.
guess what? my mom and i were someplace the other day, and she meets this lady in line and they start talking, her name is Cathy, and her husband's name is Timothy!!! :blink: i was like, whoaaaa.
Wow, that's cool.
By the way, for those who are still not gevin up about waiting for the updates for this fiction. You won, kitties:smiley: This will be updated every weekend since the next week.
Wow, that's cool.
By the way, for those who are still not gevin up about waiting for the updates for this fiction. You won, kitties:smiley: This will be updated every weekend since the next week.
yet one more reason to look forward to the weekends. :smiley: