DC2 Entries


Title: Maybe in Vain
Author: Sakhmet
Timeline: AU Season Three
Word Count: 350 words
Dialogue: It's the fifth one.

At seven pm, or thereabouts, he walks the familiar floor and arrives at the bar. He doesn’t look at her - just orders a drink and sits down. She glances over and asks him, “Come here often?”
He looks towards her and smiles as if he’s never seen her before. “Yes, actually,” he replies. He knows that he couldn’t have forgotten just how beautiful she is, but God, it seems like it.
She looks puzzled. “That’s odd.”
He pretends to be politely interested. “Why?” he asks casually, looking down at his drink. Maybe tonight…
She smiles, shyly and seductively. “I’ve never seen you here before.”
It hits him again like a ton of flaming bricks. He almost starts, ‘Sydney…’ but he stops, and drains his drink like it’s a shot. “What’s your excuse?” he enquires, his voice rasping as the alcohol burns his throat.
She smiles mischievously. “Do you honestly want to know?”
Her smile is exactly the same… How could she not remember? Sighing, he remembers tonight’s purpose. She can’t stay here anymore, not with the Covenant...
He clears his throat. “Listen, I have to tell you: I’m here for a reason-”
The door to the restaurant flies open, and five men with guns run through, opening fire immediately. They found her. He pulls Sydney to her feet and they run. He shoots over his shoulder as they go out the back door, into the alley. The cold air brings her out of shock. “Stop!” She yanks her arm out of his grasp. “Who are you?”
He turns to face her. Sydney, it’s me! Michael– Vaughn, whatever you want to call me. Don’t you remember?
It’s been six months since the night he came back to her apartment to find a bleeding Sydney in the ruins of her bedroom. The doctors say it’s a wonder she can tie her own shoe laces; they don’t care that she can’t remember a single thing about her life before.
He stares at her, aching to tell her who he is, that he loves her… “Nobody,” he says finally. “I’m nobody at all.”
ooooo thats really good! im impressed! love the little twist and the end....im screaming TELL HER WHO U R.

great drabble, im impressed.

im still stumped as what to do....dialoguie is hard!

luv rach xxx 🦋
:happydance: Whoo! Thankyou all! :D
erikini do you realise you posted that three times? o_0
I don't mind at all! :smiley:

my word! That is one of the best drabbles i have ever read! Do you have any fics?
:love: That made me so happy. Hee. And I do. They are on fanfiction.net or here. The links are in my sig!


That was great... this inspired me as well..
:D Yay! It's inspirational. Sorry, I like praise... :blush:

You guys rock! ROCK I TELL YOU!
Whoa, new looking board! OH COOL!

Title: Hero
Author: Moi, Sakhmet. Hee, French and Ancient Egyptian. Excuse me.
Word Count: 345 :smiley:
Timeline: Pre-season
Dialogue: 6th one

Disclaimer: Alias? Not mine. Rubix cubes? Unless you count that key-chain that I rearranged the stickers on then, no, no that's not mine either.


He would not be beaten. Not by this. He was the great, no, The Amazing, no, The Incredible… Oh, who was he kidding? He was Marshall Flinkman: School Geek.

Marshall sighed. One day he would be appreciated. One day he would save the world. He’d be a hero. But… probably not a super-hero with all the spandex, because super-size brains don’t exactly mean that everything is super-sized and…

He’d be a hero. He would.

A hero who couldn’t even do a Rubix cube.

With a sigh of annoyance Marshall started spinning the sides furiously, without thought or logic.

“You’re doing it wrong.”

A voice. Feminine. Interested. Amused.


“Excuse me?” he asked incredulously, more surprised that this girl wasn’t laughing at his hair - Mom didn’t take parallax error into account in her haircuts – than that she was questioning his genius.

“It should be like this,” she replied, moving forward and setting her books down next to him.

“I think I know what I’m doing,” he said with false bravado. He noticed that she was carrying ten thick books. On programming. His heart skipped a beat – physiologically impossible or not.

She rolled her eyes. “Just watch,” she snapped, taking the cube and sitting next to him. He watched as she confidently turned and twisted the puzzle. Soon he saw the pattern.

“Oh,” he said sheepishly. “Wasn’t I doing that?” He blushed as he remembered how he had been randomly attacking the cube when she came.

“No,” she replied dryly, a hint of amusement in her voice.

“I feel stupid now,” he admitted. He had never felt more like an idiot in his life.

“Don’t worry,” she said with a smile. She stood and gathered her books. “I’ll keep your secret,” she whispered, winking.

“Thanks,” he stuttered, sitting up straighter. This was the coolest girl he had ever met. “Will I see you again?”

She smiled, shrugged and walked down the hall and out of his life.

He leaned back against the wall and smiled. One day he’d get the girl.

One day he’d be a hero.


SPECIAL FEATURES: Marshall's Extended Ramble

He’d be a hero. But probably not a super-hero with all the spandex, because super-size brains don’t exactly mean that everything is super-sized… Not that he had any point of reference- not that he hadn’t seen other guys, ‘cause those footballers weren’t exactly shy in the locker room and he didn’t want to look but when you’re hung from the coat pegs by your pants it’s hard to avoid that sort of thing and…

He'd be a hero. He would.


The Marshall one is so cute! :woot:

*frantically clicks on the spoiler box thingie*

Why won't it open?!?! :o_O:

*runs around screaming*

Love your drabbles Betsy! :lol:

Sakhmet: the 2nd was my favorite! Marshall was so adorable, and perfectly in character. This was the coolest girl he had ever met.. Perfect!