Former Gartan Addicts #9

You don't think MV will go for the dancing? :P You're right, it would be a big deal if you could get MV to say "FGA" and not have him wonder what that's all about. He's not allowed to know what it means. :lol:

I think my liking for the TOM/Sara ship is getting really close to my S/V, but I don't think anything will ever equal S/V just because MV is #1. :hide: I went to show my sister this interview with TOM where he calls her "Dr. Sara", and I had my sister shaking her head wondering why I thought that was sweet. :lol:

I'm putting the VG show on my list of TV shows this season because Victor acts really well, and just because he's SpyDaddy. :D
That's right, MV is still #1! TOM is the :angelic: in Hottie Heaven. :P :lol: Seriously, there's really nothing like the S/V chemistry. Just for the heck of it, I re-watched the beach scene from the series finale the other day. Talking about it is making me miss S/V. :hide: I think it's time take out my S2 DVDs. :lol:
I was so bored last weekend, I watched all of my Season 3 DVD. Of course I mostly just watched the S/V scenes. :lol: That scene in the North Korean prison was awesome!! S/V kisses like no other TV couple :love: :thud:

I didn't like S3 that much when I first watched it, but now I think S3 is better than Season 4 and 5 (although I barely watched Season 5 :hide:smiley:.
Is that your Gartan subconscious talking? :P Just kidding! :lol: :lol:

I was going to watch S3 is the right order this summer but somehow I never got around to doing it.

ETA: I'm off to the torture chamber. I mean, the gym. :lol: 👋
I need to bust out my DVD's...I've been in a shippery mood recently...

I'm gonna watch Justice too...I think it looks like a really good show and I love I'm putting that one on the list...
Yeah, I loved all the shippery scenes in S3. :lol: Also, the Jack/Vaughn scenes because Jack couldn't make up his mind about whether he liked Vaughn or not. I think he really doesn't like Vaughn but he was just impressed by what he was willing to do for Syd. ;)

OK, I'm going to my torture chamber, too. :P 👋
Hi Elise! 👋 Are you back at school yet?
Yeah... (n) I start school tomorrow so I got back to my apartment tonight. I'm really bitter cause' it means summer is over and I had an awesome summer. :lol: I have 2 guy roommates now and I already got ridiculed for my Chris Martin poster and having "naked guys" on my computer. :rotflmao: I have that pic of the Italian football team on my comp and everytime the guys walk by my room they yell... "That's gross take it down!" :P Just wait until I have shirtless MV as my background. ;)

How'd you guys like PB last night??

Hey Jill! :hi:
It's such a surprise to me that summer is almost over because I haven't had a vacation yet. :lol: Everywhere I turn I hear people say "going back to school tomorrow". :eek: What happened to summer? I barely felt that it was summer and now it's over.

Ooh, I say rub it in your new roommates' faces and put up more pics of naked guys. :lol:

PB may be my new show now that Alias is over. It's got everything I want in a show. They have the hot guy and I'm already a shipper. :P That's all I need. I'm easy to please. :D
Jill, did you read that article posted at A-M about Bradley Cooper's new movie with Renee Zellweger? :thinking:

Remember that small pic that came out weeks ago of David Beckham in the white swimming trunks vacationing on a yacht somewhere? The bigger (but grainy) version of that same pic is in the current issue of OK Magazine. Just in case you guys missed it before. ;)

ETA: I didn't miss summer at all. It's been too hot!! :lol:
Yes, I read about the Bradley Cooper news. I think it was on or a few days ago, and the headline was "Alias fan fave in new movie". So you can imagine how disappointed I was when I clicked on the article because I was totally misled. I'm a BC fan, but when you say Alias fan fave, that means MV to me. :lol: Stupid headline.
:lol: You bet I have a one-track mind. As far as I'm concerned, everything has to do with MV.

I am happy for BC. ;) I'm glad he's in a lot of movies, so at least I have something to look forward to other than MV's movie. :lol: By the way, I think it's pretty serious with BC and his Jennifer because I saw a lot of paparazzi pics of them taken in New York. Whatever. -_- :P
New BC paparazzi pics? Or are talking about the ones from NY when he was doing the Broadway play?

Oh, I've come up with less-freaky explanation for FGA. It stands for Fan Girls of Alias. :lol: :lol:
I don't really know how new the BC pics were, but they were new to me. :lol: Just BC in jeans, and JE wearing a skirt, and they were walking down the street holding hands. Have you seen those?

Fan Girls of Alias! That's really good!! (y) So what are you going to say to MV? Can you video tape him say a special hello to FGA? :D
Fan Girls of Alias. :rotflmao: Oh that is so less scary. I like that one.

David Beckham in white swim trunks?? :woot: Yummy.

Yeah my new roomies are kinda mean with that stuff but they're really fun. Whatever I do with our apartment they always say not to make it too "girly." I'm putting up a MV Gap pic up in the family room. :P I don't care. :lol:

God, I love BC in Wedding Crashers. That's becoming one of my favorite movies. He's such a dick in it, but he's hilarious. (y) Good for BC.
Hmm, I don't think I've seen those. Where are they? :thinking:

:lol: See that sounds more like something MV will do. I don't have the guts to ask him to do a dance for FGA.

ETA: Wedding Crashers is on sale at Best Buy for $10. It's on Sunday's ad, under the 2 for $10 DVDs.
I'll have to look for the BC pics and get back to you. I didn't save it because I wasn't too happy to see it. :lol:

I was just teasing about asking MV to dance. Are you even going to be able to put two words together or are you just going to shove a piece of paper for him to sign? :P :hide:
:lol: MV: "Okay, what am I signing?" (That's what he said last year.)
and then.."OMG, you again?!! Get away from me. :whip:" :lol:

ETA: I'm going to bed. Goodnight! :yawn: And, have a great first day of school, Elise!! :smiley: