A Fine Line

Jeez those two are thick-skulled! Me loved :lol:

Their stubborness is making me laugh out loud :lol: and I'm :ill: home :( It's awful... back to bed :asleep:
awesome! :lol:
Sydney is in denial right now, but she has feelings for michael. Otherwise, she wouldn't have freaked out over the kiss.
“You can’t kiss me back Michael; it’s not in the script. It’s not in the script and therefore you can’t kiss me back,” she rationalized in a slightly frazzled manner.
They kissed!!! Yay for that! But poor Sydney is just going all frazzled over the fact... I particularly loved this line. Stating the same things twice... Yeah.. those kisses from Micheal Vaughn certainly affect a girl. :lol:

Sydney let out a growl when he pulled back from her. “YOU CANNOT JUST GO AROUND KISSING PEOPLE!!!!!!”

“Watch me,” he smirked. Then, he walked away.
:lol: That was great. Very smooth reaction from Vaughn. :smiley:

Great chapter. I loved it. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Sydney, you better know by now, not to challenge Michael. That is, unless, you really had that challenge planned all along. :angelic:

Michael and Sydney fit together well when sleeping. He realized that a little, but stopped himself from admitting it to himself.

Cooper from so funny asking about what she and Michael had been doing.

Everything went smoothly until the kiss. Like she always did, Sydney grabbed Michael’s face with her two hands and pressed her lips up against his. Every other time they had performed that scene, she’d held herself there for a count of five seconds and then let go. While she did this, Michael was supposed to have no reaction whatsoever; he was supposed to stand statuesque. That time, however, Michael kissed her back. Instead of standing there, unmoving, he placed his right hand at her waist ever so softy and pressed back against her lips with his.
No one had to know that he kissed her back. Her hands covered the actual kiss. That was the best way for the kiss when they disliked each other, that way the audience would not know that she wasn't remotely kissing him.

“You kissed me back!”

“No I didn’t,” he said quickly in an evasive tone.

“YES YOU DID!” she practically shouted. “You kissed me back – you’re not supposed to kiss me back!”

“Okay, okay chill,” Michael hissed to her. “Why are you freaking out over this?”

“Because you kissed me BACK!”

“Yes, you mentioned that….,” he said dryly.

“You can’t kiss me back Michael; it’s not in the script. It’s not in the script and therefore you can’t kiss me back,” she rationalized in a slightly frazzled manner.
What does it matter that he kissed her back. No one could see. Plus, even though his character was supposed to show no reaction to the kiss, the character was actually attracted to her character. They just couldn't be together because it wasn't what was best for her. Of course, he shouldn't have let his hand go to her waist, but she didn't mention that.

“Oh? Can’t I? Well what if I kissed you right now – that’s not in a script!” he told her.

Her eyes narrowed and she shook her head. “You wouldn’t dare.” With a determined look on his face, he grabbed her shoulders to hold her still as he planted a kiss on her lips. It wasn’t very long or romantic in the least, but it was still a kiss. Sydney let out a growl when he pulled back from her. “YOU CANNOT JUST GO AROUND KISSING PEOPLE!!!!!!”

“Watch me,” he smirked. Then, he walked away.
I think he should go kiss Cooper. lol
hahaha omg I love the last line "YOU CAN'T GO AROUND KISSING PEOPLE!" hahaha loving it! I ADORE Coop! Omg he is so funny! loving it! I can't believe it's been so long since I've been on....stupid school work! can't wait for more!