Asian Clique!

the same thing used to always happen to me, i would actually get kind of annoyed because people would always ask "oh, where did you get your highlights done? they look so natural" and stuff. i used to be very blond when i was a baby, now i'm brown haired, and ppl would always think that my mom was my baby-sitter when i was little (she's chinese)
I look American and ppl who doesn't know my mom thinks she's my babysitter too and I don't even have one! My mom is Filipino.
My little cousin is only like 1/4 Japanese... I don't know what else she is. She's got blue eyes too.

My hair used to be really black... now it's dark brown (it looks highlighted... everyone who cuts my hair asks me if i got highlights or lowlights... whatever those are).

Haha, I also just automatically assume that everyone here is white.
well, the internet is generally a white, male "space." although, personally, i know more female asian internet users than male white internet users. still though. *shrug* :smiley:
I don't! I'm surrounded by white people at school. All the other Asians stick together, and for whatever reason, I don't fit in with them. :::shrugs::: All but one of my friends is white, and I don't see her much. All the guys I've dated are white too.
Hmmmmmmmm...... That's interesting. At my school the Asians or part Asians tend to share all the Asian food with eachother like my friend, Sue Anne, is Korean and she lets me eat her seaweed and other Korean food. Basically, if I'm still hungry and she's full, I get her left overs. Yummy! :smiley:
Yeah, I don't know if I just don't look Asian to some people or something... But then again, some old guy asked if I was Romanian once. I had no clue where he got the idea that I was, 'cause even if I don't look very Asian, I don't look like anything else either!

I love eating Japanese food in front of non-Asian people. So many people think sushi is gross... I'm like "hello! It's not like it's straight from the fish." People shouldn't comment on food they haven't even tried...
alias8000 said:
Hmmmmmmmm...... That's interesting. At my school the Asians or part Asians tend to share all the Asian food with eachother like my friend, Sue Anne, is Korean and she lets me eat her seaweed and other Korean food. Basically, if I'm still hungry and she's full, I get her left overs. Yummy! :smiley:
My Korean friends have a little food-sharing thing, almost like a picnic :D
it's the seaweed part of the sushi that sickens me. i tried a piece of seaweed all by itself once and had to run out of the room because i felt like vomiting (even though i didn't).

i'm not very big on most asian foods though. whenever my friends and i go out for dinner i'm always the one voting for american food. ^_^ i mean, i love my mother's cooking (she makes the BEST eggrolls EVER), but i'll take a cheeseburger over sushi anyday. ;)
I love sushi. Seaweed alone makes a great snack too ^_^

I like Filipino food, but I'd much rather have non-Asian food now and then.
I've only been to a non-Asian restaurant once as far as I can remember! (not including fast-food) And it wasn't even that much of a restaurant.
AliasALIAS said:
I love sushi. Seaweed alone makes a great snack too ^_^
blech. :o_O: sorry, but for some reason, seaweed just induces my gag reflexes. i know there's sushi without seaweed, but...i haven't tried those so i'll just refrain from saying anything about that. ^_^

it's so funny whenever my parents and i go to an american restaurant. we rarely go, but whenever we do, it's pretty funny because i'm always the one who orders for everyone since i'm the only one who can speak decent english (although just saying that suddenly makes me very aware of all the grammatical errors in my post). :P
Thank goodness that my parents speak English well enoguh. Sometimes, though, they get confusing, and I just wanna laugh. :P Waitors often get kind of frustrated with them. And they have an accent, but not that bad (most of the time :P )

Filipino accents are the worst! *Gish*
i beg to differ! :P vietnamese accents can be pretty difficult to understand! my mother's english is HORRIBLE. sometimes even I don't understand her. (which can lead to many miscommunications since i can't speak vietnamese)

several years ago, she took this english class to improve her english and asked me to proofread one of her writing assignments. i know i shouldn't have, but i really couldn't stop laughing when i was reading it. it was pretty funny; when she didn't know the english word to something (which happened quite frequently) she resorted to making little drawings of the word instead. her essay was about halloween so i saw little drawings of the devil's pitchfork scattered all over her essay. it was pretty darn funny!! :lol:

her e-mails are even funnier. when i moved to san diego for college, she started to e-mail me to keep in touch and her e-mails just made no sense whatsoever. i remember her asking me what it was like to "eat the cafeteria." :lol:

although i really shouldn't be one to speak since i can't speak vietnamese. i took a class to learn last year and i'm sure a lot of my writing assignments amused my mother much the same way hers did for me. :P
My mom is a snob, and rarely goes to eat at 'normal' american restaurants, like Fridays or Applebees. She'll only eat at the really good, expensive places, or it has to be Japanese food. My dad and the rest of my family eats everything. We ate at this great sushi place this weekend... it was soo good! I like eating Japanese food 'cause most of it is fish or some other seafood, and it makes things easier for me, since I don't eat red meat or pork products.

My mom has an accent, she gets her words mixed up sometimes, and the results are often comical. Waiters are sometimes mean to her though. Or she can't understand THEM. :lol:
see, i hate seafood so that might also be another reason why i'm not such a huge fan of sushi. ;)

my parents and i hardly ever go to normal american restaurants too. although my mother REALLY likes in-n-out, strangely enough. :blink:

yeah, it's one thing for us to be making fun of our parents' accents, but i get really pissed when others start criticizing their speech. :angry: if they've never attempted to learn - heck, MASTER - a completely new language, then they have no right to criticize.
if they've never attempted to learn - heck, MASTER - a completely new language, then they have no right to criticize.

Exactly! Now that I'm taking Japanese, I can understand why she makes certain grammatical errors. I think that if you live in the US, you should at least know *some* english, but accents really can't be helped! And damn, it's hard to learn a new language!

You want to hear something weird... my mom likes to take out food from Hooters! :rolleyes: I refuse to go in that restaurant.
:lol: Yeah man, it's pretty bad! One time, she saw that they were hiring and she told me, "you should go work there! They have good food!" And I just looked at her and shook my head. No way could I work there. LoL
Let me rephrase my statement... Filipino accents are the most annoying! This teacher at my old school, sher has this horrible, high-pitched, EXTREMELY annoying accent. When she talks, it's like SHUT UP! She sounds like she's screaming! And when she is screaming, think of all the pain those 4th graders are going through.
And on Good Friday, at Mass, she was the narrator for the Gospel. And the Good Friday Gospel is one of the longest Gospels. You can only imagine the high screeching of her voice, with echoes throughout the church. *shudders*

And my Geometry teacher. Her voice is almost the same. High-pitched, always screaming.

And now that I think of it, alot of Filipino adults scream when they talk, including my mom. I sometimes say to her, "Stop shouting!" and she says it's her voice. Her mom is like that too.

Hooters?? :lol: :lol: :lol: My mom would think that that place is a sin!
singaporeans have pretty bad description...british wannabes (it usta be a bristish colony so every1 has that lisp) and lots of ending words in "lah"

about two years ago i went back for the summer, i insisted speaking in a southern accent. it was so funny, especially at resturants ordering food. but i eventually stopped b/c it was so off. i need to work on my southern accent. i get plenty of stares speaking like that in NY.

well a bunch of my relatives can't understand english well so they speak mandrin or this other dilect of chinese to me (divired from mandrin) i understand them pretty well. but speaking to em is a disater, i have such bad pronunciation for mandrin. n they keep saying they don't understand me and eventually i end the convo saying i don't understand. I feel terribly when i do that!