Clumsy Clique

Lol, I already did that 3 times today. I was skipping down my hall, I tripped over nothing and fell forward, but I grabbed onto the door knob but my dog came charging at me and I slipped, then I tried to grab my dog, but I missed, so I tried grabbing something else, but I landed on a spiked collar! OUCH! Then to make things worse, I was trying to climb out my window, I'm grounded, and I hit my head on the window sill and I fall on the ground outside! When I try to get back in I slip on my desk and I fall on the ground. Even later, I'm putting on my shoes and I lose my balance and fall right into a door, which then swings open and I fall on my dresser, grab my stomach because it hurts, and then fall over backward...How's that for uncoordinated? And that was just between 6 and 7....
Sunfire_77 said:
That night I tripped over my phone cord then fell on my dog. Then This morning i went to get out of bed and missed and rolled right off. I went to the fridge and missed the door knob and smacked my face in the fidge. I got up and then fell because my mom had waxed. I am now safe on my chair or maybe not?
ahhh! me in laugghy mood. HAHAH EVERYONE IS MAKING ME LAUGH! Also, once i was in a hotel room, and i was freaked out because it was dark, so i went to the batroom, then turned off the light and lunged at the bed and MISSED! I ghit my head. soo clumsy... yup craw, we gymnasts are clumnsy!
Me not clumsy so much today, or i can't remember it, coz me feel ill! but clumsy is me! but it is also my dog who decides to run into me and trip me up all the time!

Today at school I tripped on the steps and fell into someone when i called them retarded...Then i stepped on my shoelace and fell into someone else.
I am definitely one of those clumsy people that randomly and totally out of the blue walk into doors! As for gymnasts...the same goes for our dance team and especially me! I can't walk across the floor without tripping over myself or someone else!
did i mention i ran into a lamp this weekend? then i bumped my knee on the counter and today my friend pushed me into another wall. wait no. it was the same wall as before. i was pushed into the same wall as before.
Crawstinium said:
ok, you know how gymnasts are supposed to be agile and stuff?
well they are not. gymnasts are the clumsiest people on the earth.
i trip over everything, run into everything, always manage to crash in to ppl when im just standing next to them
honestly, i think that most of the injuries at gym come from tripping on mats, one of my friends broke her toe last year tripping over a 4 inch soft gym mat
and there is not a single mat in the gym that siricerasi has not tripped on at least 5 times
she has this new theory, every time she trips on a mat she says "it was fate, it was meant to happen, i did it on purpose to provide you guys with entertainment" :smiley:

Hey no seriously that last one was completely meant to happen! I mean, if I had been like one centimeter off I would have smacked my foot on that metal bar and the sting mat wouldn't have been in the right spot so I would have hit my head! hmph :angry: :P And you ppl laughed histerically... see I'm good amusement :D

And yes, we gymnasts are incredibly clumsy :rolleyes:
i haven't heard of any one i know slipping on soap! i thought that didn't happen in real life but only in OHH! american shows! see English people have showers with liquid soap! so i don't know anyone who has slipped on soap! But i only us liquid soap rather than the hard stuff!
My mom recently brought home liquid stuff, so hopefully I won't slip anymore. Though knowing me I'll probably get that stuff on the floor and slip on that instead, lol!
ekkk! we'll me really bad and have a bath listening to music sometimes! it is so nice but i hate the shape of my bath! it can be so uncomfortable!
today i got squashed by loads of people coz i bumbed into one person and tehy into another whoi fell onto me so feel on to a diff who fell on another who squashed me!

:blush: I am the biggest Klutz ALIVE! All my frendssay so! I have walked into a wall twice. Broke my foot 5 times ankle 3! Sprained my feet too many to count! Sprianed my wrist twice! Broke my wrist once! and have broken fingers! And Have sprained every body part possible! I also fall all the time!