Dark thoughts

aliaschick4mv said:
AAHH SLOANE!!  Sydney can kick his ass, how did he capture her?
He wasn't nessisarily the one who captured her.....
Anyways! lol! Reviews? What do you guys think should happen?
Life or death experiences can bring a relationship even closer together. Not that you should try and get yourselves killed if you have a fight with your boyfriend or girlfriend, but they work well on Alias, because we know that they can't die.
PS that was an idea, since you asked for them. I just love those life or death experiences, they should have one on TTT so that Syd and Vaughn don't fight.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! you just gave me the best idea! I think the next post will be up tonight, but before alias!

“Where the hell is she?” It had been forty eight hours since Sydney had first stormed out of the CIA building, and to no ones surprise she hadn’t contacted anyone since that time. It seemed like everyone was performing his or her duties like clockwork, accept Jack.

“Jack, you need to calm down! It was your input that allowed Sydney to be able to leave with Sark in the first place! And why on earth do you think that a meeting between Sydney and Derevko would last any less than a week?” Kendall seemed calm as he said this, but Jack could tell he was just as uneasy about the past two days events as he was.

‘Look, Kendall, I don’t know when, where, or what is going on with Sydney, but I just have this feeling………..”


As Sydney began to come to, she could see a dark figure looming over her. Since the last person she had seen before she was engulfed into darkness was Sloane, she believed the figure in front of her to be him. Surprised that she wasn’t secured to her chair, Sydney struck.

“Sydney, its me stop! Its Vaughn!” Suddenly Sydney fell forward into Vaughn’s protective arms.

“Oh my God! Is it really you? What happened? Did she hurt…….” After each question Sydney began to become more limp in Vaughn’s arms. Suddenly before finishing, Sydney collapsed.

Pleased with the outcome of Sydney and Vaughn’s reunion was Sloane. He had seen the entire scene, and was grinning from ear to ear.
Hmmmm...Why did Sydney pass out? And what's up with her mom and Sloane? Did her mom really want to talk to her? Great story so far! Please post more soon!
“Sydney, Sydney! Wake up!” Vaughn was absolutely terrified. Not that he hadn’t been scared the entire time he had been held, but the one thing that gave him hope was Sydney, and now it appeared as though she was slipping out of his grasp.

“Sloane, you said that you wouldn’t resort to this, we had an agreement.” The voice Vaughn heard made him tremble….. Irena.

“Special circumstances call for special measures” Sloane replied, happy to have struck a nerve with Irena.
She always seemed to be in charge, but not this time.

“Resort to what? What’s going on? What have you done to Sydney?” Vaughn tried to compose himself, but it was obvious to his spectators that he was extremely worried.

“Time, all in time Mr. Vaughn. All that I can tell you is that Sydney is not dead.” Sloane tried to make his words sound genuine and compassionate, mostly to upset Vaughn, but also to prove to Irena that he cared for Sydney.

“Shut up Sloane, all that we agreed to was for me to talk to Sydney, I never agreed to…. Any of this.” Irena sounded worried, for once in her life she did not have control of the ensuing situation. Usually she could easily manipulate Sloane, but this time…..

“Any of what?” Vaughn was worried and confused, a lethal combination.

“You see Agent Vaughn, you are not the only one with secrets.” Sloane delighted in the words, for once, he knew something that Irena did not know.

*Oh my God, he knows* With this Vaughn grabbed Sydney’s limp body and headed towards the door. Sydney was not going to find out…..
Mr. Vaughn, one more step and not only will I kill Sydney, but I will tell her the truth before it is done.” Sloane measured his words, if he wanted everything to go according to plan, he had to convince Vaughn to stay.

“Mr. Vaughn, I know everything that happened between you and Irena.” Just as Sloane said these troubling words, Sydney came to.

“You SOB, what have you and my mother been up to!” Sydney was furious, and in a daze. When had all of this happened? With these words, Sydney quickly turned on Vaughn, although she was woozy, she still delivered several painful blows.

“Sydney, stop it! It’s not what you think!” Vaughn was not fighting back, how could he? Sydney had every right to be angry, if she could only know the truth! With each advance Sydney became more inconsistant, eventually she was barely able to walk strait.

“ What else could it be? You, my mother, Oh my God!” With that, Sydney found herself in darkness once more.

“ Sloane, all I had in mind were my daughters best interest! You….wouldn’t even know what that meant!” Irena was nervous, for herself and the man her daughter loved.

“Irena, you knew where Sydney fit in to everything! How could you try to get her out of it? This is the only life she knows! We had momentous plans…….”