DO NOT dumb-down ALIAS!

Aliasgirl47 said:
Well after all is said and done, I wonder how many ppl will start watching because they think it will alwasy be easy to understand like that?! LMAO!
exactly. if you haven't gotten it by now, go and look up what confuses you.
some times i pick really outrageous or funny or really good scences and tell them to my friends and they just star at me like omg that girl picks the most confusing shows. i told one of my friends about the scence with syd shooting her mother but i didn't tell her about syd and her mothers past and by the time i was done she was just gazing at me with her mouth open. and at school any one mentions alias. and must people think of me because i talk about it so much. my math teacher knows my piano teacher knows. one time someone said alien in math class and she thought someone said alias. and she goes kim will you stop talking about that show. it was really funny.
That was wicked hilarious. I absolutely cracked up when Jack told Syd she would be wearing that bikini and that psycho guy went to take it from him. That was great! And the part where he shot Vaughn with that dart thing. And the part where he shot Jack with a water gun! Heck, all of it was hysterical. Good topic. :lol: