Does Vaughn live at Syd's house now or something?

because he's always over there, sleeping over there....what if vaughn sells his house and moves in with sydor something? then we'd never see mv's house :(
no, they just have alot of sex :D actually, vaughn was going to give syd the keys to his apartment, but since she didnt trust him about that other stuff, he decided it was a bad idea.
oOoOo vaughns house...doing it...what if weiss or alice walks in...hehe...gotta get my mind out of the gutter
lol, i have been wondering the same thing myself, why arent they ever at vaughn's house, he is always over there now! i mean are we ever going to see his house other than that one millisecond when his fingers were bleeding?!lol
I think it would be really cool if Vaughn moved in with Syd, but it would be totally uncool if we never got to see is place except for his bathroom when his fingernails were bleeding. If he moved in with her, I'm sure there'd be a lot more scenes that are not at the CIA and at Syd's place instead. :lovers: If he moved in with her, I think the Francie thing would be uncovered much quicker. You know, if Vaughn thought something weird was going on, and then Syd got suspicious, I think it would end a lot quicker with Francie then we thought.
Good point. But, they have all spent time with evil Francie. I'm not sure Vaughn's moving in with Syd would help bring her to an end. I bet Vaughn has an apartment like Syd's, though.
From what i've seen of his aparment in the bleeding fingers part it doesn't like as young and fresh as Syd's. I hope he's not living in a house with a white picket fence with his wife and two kids and dog in season 3. if he has kids he can't really go back to Syd. JJ said he's add a new male charecter in Season 3. Every wonder why?