Dogy lovers!

you should be mean to your brother then.....the dog probably does enjoy it to some extent though, dogs like to play rough and get thrown around...just depends on the dog!
My dog likes it to a certain point... but then I think he gets scared (he's a little chicken, everything scares him, poor dog). Think about it... my brother's like over 200 pounds. My dog is 9 pounds.
I have a dachshund-miniature (Short hair) His name is Bennie, he is 4 years old, and he is very entertaining. Right now, he's sick. :(

In my house we have 3 dogs but mine is a Rotwieler named Rocky and he is only 2 yrs. old.And he has never groweld at me or tried to bite me.People think he is a killer. :smiley: :D