(WOW! This story is long! LOL )


Story continued:

Irina turned to the lump that was Sydney. She grabbed her up and with the help of Vaughn's father lifted her into the back of their van. Irina shut the door and whispered to Vaughn father.
"I'll take care of Sydney. You get Vaughn." Then as he left Irina, she crawled in the back and woke Sydney up.
"Sydney, come with me. You'll be safe."

Sydney could barely see Irina and wasn't sure if she should trust her. Then she thought what the heck. Either way she thought something was bound to happen. But then she thought of Vaughn.
"What about Vaughn?"
"We’ll come back for him.”
"Will he be ok?"
"Just as long as we hurry up, now come on!"
And with that they hopped out into the darkness.

Sydney sat in silence wondering where her mother was taking her. Her gut was telling her that this was the wrong idea. She should have stayed to help Vaughn...

Sydney followed her mom into the forestry area. They trampled through the grass and weeds. Her mother held tight to her hand as to make sure they didn't get lost. Sydney started to trust her mother.... slightly. Then, as they came to a stop, someone in front of them stopped them. The man walked out of the bush and shocked them both. Sydney trickled a tear.

"Yes Sydney. It’s me." Danny said.
"Ugh, you are in this too!" Syd said.
"I kept him alive,” said Irina.
"I don't love you!" yelled Syd.

"What do you MEAN you don't love me?" asked Danny, appalled.
"Why should it matter" Sydney protested, "when you betrayed me?"
"I didn't betray you," Danny spat, angry that Sydney wasn't happy to see him.
"You've been alive for more than a year when I thought you were dead... why didn't you tell me?" Sydney whispered, her lower lip trembling.

"Sydney, love, I couldn't! I wasn't even allowed to speak with anyone!" Danny tried to convince her.
"I don't care! Danny, I- I thought you were DEAD! And now you're back and I don't-" Sydney stopped.
"Don't what?"
"I don't love you any more."
"But why, Sydney? I couldn't have told you! Is there someone else?" Danny was in shock.
"If I can't have you," Danny reached into his pocket and pointed a gun at Sydney. (How he got it I don't know, but whatever) "No one can."

Suddenly they all heard a noise. Vaughn came running toward them. Danny dropped the gun and said, "Is this who you love, this piece of junk?"
Then of course Syd got all offended, and her anger raged inside her.

Sydney! Are you okay?-Vaughn
*sees Danny*
Yes, it’s who you think it is...the man that she loves-Danny
I don’t love him Vaughn! I love you Vaughn!-syd
Shut up! I know you love me!-Danny (enraged)
*points his gun at her and shoots her in the stomach*
**he leaves**
***Vaughn runs to her***
oh sh**! Syd! Talk to me!-Vaughn
*she stares at him then closes her eyes*
**he feels her pulse...she’s still alive**
da** it! -On the phone: This is agent Vaughn. I need an ambulance right away! Agent Bristow has been shot!...Come on Syd! Don’t leave me...-Vaughn

*He carries her out and they aren’t there yet*
da** it where the hell are they?!! Come on Syd! Open your eyes!-Vaughn
(half way)Vaughn?....-Syd
yeah its me-Vaughn
I love you-Syd
*closes her eyes*

"NO! SYDNEY!" tears streamed down Vaughn's face. He felt for a pulse. There was none. He laid her on the floor and began CPR (now, I'm not sure if you can do CPR on gunshot victims, but pretend you can). He kept repeating CPR over and over. He was almost thought there was no hope when Sydney breathed. A very small breath, but she breathed. Vaughn ran over to the ambulance. Weiss was there too.
"Vaughn! What the hell happened here?"
"Danny shot her."
"Danny? As in her dead fiancé Danny?"
That's when Sydney stopped breathing again.

Vaughn held her in his arms, and stroked her long dark hair. "Syd don't leave me,” he whispered over and over again. He even started praying. "Dear God, I love her so much. Please you must save her." Finally finding the strength he rushed her over to the ambulance, and watched as the medical staff frantically tried to save her.
Meanwhile on the top of an old building, I shadowy figure sat. "Mission Accomplished." the figure hissed into their phone.

Then Vaughn went back to the ambulance to hold Sydney’s hand. He heard a gasp! And Sydney started breathing again. It was a miracle. Then something happened that would ruin that miracle. A car came up behind Vaughn and Syd in the ambulance. Vaughn had requested time alone with Syd for a second and they didn’t even notice the car come up from behind the ambulance or the men come out of the car and lock the ambulance doors. Or even when someone got in the driver’s seat. But Vaughn heard the engine start and knew this would be a wild ride. He clenched Syd's hand!

The ambulance suddenly jerked to life. The equipment in the back of the van began to come loose. Vaughn moved to shield an unconscious Sydney with his body from the flying equipment. A monitor came flying however, and struck Vaughn in the back of the head. The next thing he saw was blackness.
When he finally came around, Vaughn found that he was bound to a chair in a warehouse of sorts. He looked around, and to his left he saw a still unconscious Sydney in nearly the same predicament. He saw something else however, that made his blood boil. Danny was standing over Sydney's limp form, tenderly stroking her cheek.

"You stay the hell away from her!" yelled Vaughn. Danny diverted his attention from Sydney to Vaughn.
"I don't think that you have any claim over her. She is just confused over finding that I am still alive. She will realize that I am the one who belongs in her life. Not you."
"I doubt that,” said Sydney, who had just woken up behind him.
"Of course, you will Sydney, dear." said Danny, eyes still on Vaughn.
"NO WAY DANNY! I love Vaughn. I will ALWAYS love Vaughn, and there is NOTHING you or anyone else can do about it!"
"Yes there is." Said Danny, reaching inside his coat and pulling out a gun and pointing it at Vaughn. "You can't love someone who's dead can you? I mean, you got over me pretty quickly." He pulled the trigger.

Vaughn flipped over the chair he was bound to. The bullet flew past his ear. Then he saw Sydney get up form behind Danny and kick him hard in the back. Before he could shoot Vaughn again. Danny fell over, Syd then kicked Danny’s gun out of his hand. She grabbed it but before she could shoot she heard the familiar click and the cold edge of the barrel of the gun that was pressed against her neck. Vaughn tried to get up but stumbled. Not even Vaughn could believe that jack would kill or even threaten Sydney but there he was holding the gun and awakening Danny!

Just then Sydney untangled her feet from the robes and gave a quick kick to Danny’s back. He fell to the ground and Sydney quickly untied herself.
Danny got up and looked at Sydney, his lip bleeding.
Sydney looked at her father who was standing there laughing evilly.
"O sweet Syd. Is that anyway to treat your fiancé."
"Well I wouldn't treat my fiancé that way. Just you."
Just then Sydney jumped up and grabbed a pole. She used her feet and kicked Danny back into some boxes.
Sydney ran to Vaughn and kissed him.
"I am so sorry Syd." He said.
"You have nothing to be sorry about."
They both smiled and hugged then Sydney felt a sharp pull from her side. She crunched in pain as Danny kicked her in the side.
"You S__B__!" Hollered Vaughn
Sydney threw Vaughn a gun.
Vaughn sat there in chains with the gun pointed at Danny and Danny stood up in front of him with a gun at him. Jack had a gun as well
One of the guns went off.

"Oh, my G-d." whispered Vaughn. Apparently, there was a slippery spot on the floor. And Danny the ass had slipped right before he pulled the trigger. So, instead of hitting Vaughn, he somehow managed to hit...
"SYDNEY!" shouted Danny the ass.
All three men ran over to Sydney.
"I'm okay, guys, I'm okay. It was just a scrape."
You could FEEL the relief in the room. Vaughn helped her up.
"Don't DO that," said Danny the ass. "I can help her."
"Enough." said Sydney, sternly. "Danny. You son of a -----. Stay away from me. Forever. If I see you anywhere near Vaughn or me again, I swear. I'll kill you. And I won't even flinch. And Dad?" Jack looked up from staring guiltily at the floor. "The same goes for you." As Sydney and Vaughn exited the building Sydney suddenly collapsed. Vaughn checked the bullet wound and saw blood pouring out of her stomach.
"Syd," he said, choking on tears, "This is no scrape."

Soon they were at the hospital. Syd was lying in the hospital bed after surgery, she had just woken up when she saw Vaughn beside her bed. He was asleep. As if on cue, Vaughn woke up.
"How did you sleep?"- Vaughn
"Fine, I’m starting to feel better."-Syd
"Good, then we can go home."-Vaughn
"Yea, when can I get out of here?"-Syd
Just then the nurse walked in.
"You can leave in a few hours after all the paperwork is finished."
"I’ll do it."- Vaughn
"Okay. Thanks."
"You get some rest and I’ll be back in a little bit."- Vaughn
"Okay, I love you."- Syd
"I love you too." Vaughn
About a half an hour later Vaughn came back.
"Ready to go?"- Vaughn
"Yep."- Syd
"You want to go to dinner? I know this really nice restaurant a few minutes away."- Vaughn
"That sounds wonderful."-Syd
That night, Vaughn was planning on asking a very important question.

*At a restaurant called rousousses (or something like that)*
**they are in the middle of dinner and joking around**
***Vaughn is suddenly serious***

Vaughn-“Syd I think we need to talk.”
Syd-“Sure. About what?”
Vaughn-“You know I could never do anything to hurt you, so…”
Syd-“Vaughn what are you trying to tell me?”
Vaughn-“ Sydney... (He stands up and walks over to her kneels down on one knee and takes out the ring).... Sydney, will you marry me?”
At this, Syd begins to cry.
Sydney-“Oh Vaughn!”

"Yes, of course I will!"- Syd
"I love you so much,"-Vaughn
"I love you, too."-Syd

“Oh-my-gosh! I gotta call Francie!”-Syd
*Vaughn smiles his way cute smiles*
**on the phone**
“Francie...guess what...I’m gonna get married!” -Syd
“Oh that is so great Syd!....but I’ve got to tell you something me at home now..”-Freplica
*Vaughn still smiling his way cute smile*
“I love you.”-Vaughn

Francie on cell phone:

FRAN: “She’s taken the bait.”
Person on the other end of the phone: “Good. Feel free to inform V of the next situation.”

Syd and Vaughn then leave the restaurant and head over to meet Francie.
A few minutes later, Vaughn and Syd pull up to Syd & Francie's house.
Vaughn goes to open the door to the house and is shot!
Vaughn then falls to the floor unconscious.
Just then Sydney comes in and sees Vaughn lying on the ground. She then looks up to see who Vaughn's shooter is.

SYD: “MARSHALL! Why’d you shoot Vaughn!”
Marshall: “I thought he was Francie.”
Syd: “But why would you shoot Francie?”
Marshall: “She's evil!”

"Marshall," says Syd, "you haven't been burning SuperGlue in an unventilated area again, have you?"
"What? No, Syd really, your friend Francie, she's evil. Not like horns coming out of her head evil, but like, she's-not-really-Francie-she's-working-for-the-bad-guy evil."
"Hey," Vaughn's voice interrupted, "don't mind me, the guy down here who was shot, you know, your fiancé!"
"Oh my God, Vaughn!" said Syd, dropping down to her knees to inspect Vaughn's injuries.
"I'm okay," said Vaughn, getting to his feet. "What with all the shooting, I thought a bullet proof vest might come in handy tonight. You know me, I'm always prepared."
"As am I," stated someone from the shadows.

"Francie!" shouted Syd as she saw her best friends replica pointing a gun at her.
"The name's Allison actually." Replied Freplica while still aiming the gun at Syd.
Just then, Marshall shoots his gun again.
"Dang it Marshall! Why do you keep shooting me!?" yelled Vaughn as he again fell to the floor.
"'m sorry Mike...can I call you Mike? No? Vaughn...I was trying to shoot the evil Francie again...but I seem to have missed...again" stuttered Marshall.
Just then, someone pops up behind Freplica and hits her on the head causing her to fall to the floor unconscious.
Everyone looks and is startled by what they see.
Will, standing over Freplica's unconscious body, wearing a mask and a cape that oddly resembled a Batman costume.

"Will?" Said Syd "What are you wearing?"
"Oh, this? Yeah, just trying to earn some extra cash, been working down at Magic Mountain on weekends... So could someone please tell me why my girlfriend is trying to shoot Syd, and why is Vaughn on the ground with, like, two bullet holes in his chest."

"Long story" Syd said. "The reason Vaughn has bullet holes is because Marshall here, meant to shoot Francie but ended up shooting Vaughn.
"Wait, why would Marshall wanna shoot Francie?"
" Well, Francie isn't really who we thought she was. Apparently, this is Allison."
Don't want to seem like I'm hogging it, but I'll take another go...


"Marshall, there's some duck tape in that cupboard over there. Could you get if for me so we can restain little Allison here" says Syd as she gives Allison's limp body a nice kick in the side.

"Actually, Syd, it's DUCT tape, not duck tape. It's a common misconception, you see..."

"Marshall!!!" Yell Syd and Vaughn in unison.

"Sorry. Right. I'll get it." says Marshall as he moves toward the kitchen.

Sydney turns back to Will, "Thanks for taking care of Allison, Will. Nicely done! I didn't think that I could take another gunshot today... You would not believe the day that Vaughn and I have had," she finished as she wiped her forehead with her left arm.

"Syd," Will said slowly, "why are you wearing that ring?"
why thank you Karie, as are you (the whole Batman thing was classic)!!

But you're supposed to add something to the story!!! :D
Come on!!! :eek: Is no one going to take the bait??? Someone add something new, I did the last one, I can't do it again! :blink:
Hope u don't mind but here it goes:

Sydney looked at the ring and realised what she had just done. She looked back at Will and started to explain, " O.k, um, tonight, Vaughn and i went out to dinner and Vaughn asked me to marry him and, well, i said yes."

" Oh" Will replied with a sad expression. " Well, congradulations." he said and he started walking out the door.

"Will" Sydney tried to shout out to him but he didn't return.

Okie dokie, done. :D
A little while later Syd and Vaughn sat on the living room couch. Vaughn held her and stroked her hair as sobbs racked her body.
" Damnit Vaughn, this was suposed to be a happy time, but now... my two best friends. I mean who knows what happened to real Francie, Allisons in Jail, Will dosn't approve of us. I mean hes's out there walking around alone. Anything could happen to him Vaughn! I inflicted this life on him, this thing with Fran, it's all my fault!"by this time she was screaming. "No." Vaughn put his hand under her chin and lifted it up so she would have to look him in the eye. Watery brown locked on green. "What?" " I said no, Syd this isn't your fault, you can't blame it on yourself. You didn't do anything wrong. Will got himself into this mess, and Francie's Double was probably Sloanes fault. You did nothing wrong." "Thanks, I needed to hear that." "Anytime." The door creaked open...
Hi I'm new!👋
Welcome, Minirussel :D


"Syd?" called a voice from down the hall.

"Marshall? What are you still doing here?" Vaughn asked, not hiding the frustration in his voice very well.

"Sorry, Mike.. Mr...Agent Vaughn. I've been sweeping the house for any bugs that we may have missed. I'm finished though."

"Marshall, I don't mean to be rude, but is there anyway that you can hit the road? Syd and I would like to celebrate our engagement. Alone, if you catch my drift." Vaughn said as he wrapped his arms around Syd and pulled her closer to his body.

"Oh.. Right... Sorry. Third Wheel... Right, I'm leaving now."

"Thanks Marshall," said Syd kindly. "We'll see you on Monday."

Marshall quickly left and closed the door behind him.

"About time," Vaughn whispered as he nibbled at Sydney's earlobe.

Syd sighed and ran her fingers through his hair. All the worries of the day were quickly fading away with the heat of his lips.

This moment couldn't be more perfect, she thought.


Okay, someone else go... Hope that didn't get too steamy for anyone out there. :woot: Doing my best to keep it PG-13