Favorite Quote?


So I love seeing all the different quotes out there and I was wondering what your guys favorite quotes are?

Mine is - "War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
By Bertrand Russell
Here is a really good one I saw

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.â€
― Mae West
What Love Should Mean
You are flawless, every piece, every shard
But the pain you give, strikes so impeccably hard
Love may hurt, but love never fails
It’s not a state of mind as it is a state of heart
It’s always there, and can’t be relinquished
It’s something so distort, has such defect
Nothing you will ever perfect.
But maybe, just maybe the love you have
The love you feel from the heart
The love you think from the mind
The one you can’t see, nor hear
Maybe that’s enough, to forget distortion, forget imperfection
Forget all the fights, the serious complexion
Make it simple, make it clean
Then you shall see, what love should mean

Forever And Always
You tell me you love me, and you express how much you miss me.. But now that i have moved away you make me hurt because you want to be with me. But when i was there every day for so many years i had to chase you. Now i want to go back but i have no choice. After you broke my heart i still love you. Forever and Always.

Its Never Too Late
It’s never too late to say i love you.