first jobs

Well, the first job I got paid for was babysitting. Then it was working as a secretary for my Dad's company. After that it was a DJ on the local college campus station (where I was not a student, but still in HS).
I worked at a tent trailer place. We rented them and sold them. It was my job to do everything just about. I had to clean them when they came back in, check them out, show people how to use them, etc. The whole nine really. I hated that job. It scared me for life. Now I can look at the back of a car and tell you if it has a tow package and what kind of wiring hook up. Evil thy name is tent trailers. Did I mention my boss was insane, cause she was. Thank God I quit.

Krazed :ninja:
me and 3 of my friends moved 10,000 boxes of sheet music from one end of a building to the other with only 3 BOXES SPILLING!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!
WAYYYYYYYYYYY back in the day.........I dressed as a giant smiling monkey at some chuck-e-cheese-like place. he wore a safari hat and sandals. for birthday parties i had to clap and do the "aba-daba dance"

ah, if only i were making that up.
i worked at a sports radio station once. it wasn't all it's cracked up to be b/c if you're decent, they like to put you own early in the mornings when people are going to work...the man dominated radio station wasn't exactly thrilled when i spoke of chipper jones's butt in those baseball pants.
i quit within 3 weeks...5 a.m. and me just do not work...
ready_steady_go said:
WAYYYYYYYYYYY back in the day.........I dressed as a giant smiling monkey at some chuck-e-cheese-like place. he wore a safari hat and sandals. for birthday parties i had to clap and do the "aba-daba dance"

ah, if only i were making that up.
lol... yeah.. that would sux because kids always beat up the people in those suits..
My first job was a hostess/busser at a sports-themed bar/restaurant, which was my most horrible job ever and I could rant about it for hours and hours and hours.....but I won't bore you all! :P
agent hidden eyes said:
ready_steady_go said:
WAYYYYYYYYYYY back  in the day.........I dressed as a giant smiling monkey at some chuck-e-cheese-like place.  he wore a safari hat and sandals.  for birthday parties i had to clap and do the "aba-daba dance"

ah, if only i were making that up.
lol... yeah.. that would sux because kids always beat up the people in those suits..
they did! and i was a monkey! i had a loooooong tail to pull.

it was always funny when they did though, 'cause i'd always get in trouble for turning around and slapping my chest with both hands in a "bring it on" movement.

surely a 6 foot tall smiling monkey coming at you motioning to "bring it" will be discussed in therapy by a few grown kids in a few years.........but whatever. they pulled my tail, man!
My first job was babysitting my bro. I only had to do it for about 5 minutes till my mom came back from voting for pres. up the road. :redhair:
I can get a job next year, actually, it is legal to have a job at 14 but places will not hire until you're 15. Anyway, I applied for a job as a bus boy at the local Country Inn, but the whole age thing.... :(