Freplica Revelation...

anna was on the beginning episodes...she was a great character too. I agree, Danny would just ruin everything in Syd's life! But a lot of fake deaths have happened on the show but he was pretty bloody and dead in the bathtub, plus they showed who killed him and everything too!
Yeah, but maybe that was the point-- to exaggerate his death so they could make us believe he was dead when really he's not...

~Me :angel2:
Yeah, but maybe that was the point-- to exaggerate his death so they could make us believe he was dead when really he's not...

Maybe, but Sydney actually saw him in the tub... touched him... got his blood all over her. I think she would have noticed if he was still alive. Unless, of course, he drank some of that potion or whatever from Romeo and Juliet that made Juliet dead for a certain number of hours... But I don't think so.
Well, on one hand, there was a ton of blood, but on the other hand, maybe it wasn't Danny...

Wait... you mean, maybe the guy in the tub wasn't Danny? That would be VERY interesting, but how would that be possible? If Danny is somehow part of all of this now, it would be very interesting, since his death basically propelled Sydney to the truth in the first place.
Hmm... but what truth might that be? The truth about SD-6? Or... the truth about something else?

No, but seriously, Sydney at the time of his death was so blinded with guilt, anger, hatred, sadness, etc., that she probably would have believed anything they would have fed her, even not realizing that the body in the bathtub might not have been Danny's... I don't know, this is just my speculation.

~Me :angel2:
This Danny thing is really starting to sound like a fic I read! But I see what you mean, Elle, about the blinded by grief and pain thing. Yet, how could they have done it? You'd think she might be able to tell if it was her own fiancee at least. Unless we turn crazy and soap opera like with an identical twin he never knew.
And no matter what....I think I want to stick with the Anna thing!
Maybe Jenny decided to get some revenge on Will...

But personally, I think that its a new character we have not met yet... But that's just me.
A new character...probably. I'm not sure why that never really came up, but I'll bet you're right. But what kind of character........
I thought it was Anna but since I read this whole thing I've been thinking. I don't think Anna is that cold to not have and interest in girl talk. It's obviously not Danny but possibily, it's another character. Same question as the above;But what kind of character..........
well, according to vartanho, it's a totally new character. Apparently Sark's girlfriend. How creepy will that be?
VERY creepy! But not as creepy as it would have been if Francinator had been a GUY.

Out of curiousity, I wonder if we'll get to see a picture of this girl before she became the Francinator. Just curious about what kind of woman Sark attracted.
that's what I was wondering too. We very well could be, because I'm sure the CIA will have a profile on her.