Honey I Shrunk The Spies

on no not the refrigirator door, lol, this is way beyond hilaious i can't stop laughing, sirvivor, harry potter wauw this is so funny and thanks for the pm
LMAO! I am actually laughing out loud which is bad b/c I am trying not wake up my family who is asleep upstairs, but omg, it's very hard to keep quiet! keep going! LMAO!
Chapter 6

"Oh No! How are we going to get out!!!" Irina started screaming. It's freezing in here,

we're going to die!!"

"With that attitude we will!" Jack roared. "Now, what we need to do is get as much

cheese as we can, and oh look, there's some milk."

Irina and Jack started pulling off slivers of cheese and pouring the milk into the holes

of the Swiss Cheese. "There!" Jack said at last, when they each were holding as much cheese

as their small arms could carry, and were trying to keep the milk inside the holes from spilling

out. "Now, all we need to do is wait for someone to come open up the refrigerator."

"Gggreat" Irina shivered.


"Okay, Mr.Weiss, it seems that you have no drugs in your blood stream,

and there are some CIA agents here that claim you are telling the truth about your

statements, and since there is no sign of you taking drugs, just leave, you're wasting

our time!"

"Thank you! Jeez, this place smells like sour ice cream."

"Um, I'm pretty sure that's just you."

Weiss looked down at his shirt, and saw the ice cream stains on it, "Oh, ha,

well who would have thought that?"

All of the agents then found eachother, and decided to walk over to Hong Kong,

because it was only a couple miles away.


Syd and Vaughn asleep on piles of clothing, and Will walks over to them.

"Hey, Kendall I found them!"

(Kendall rushes over)

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!?" Kendall roared.

Vaughn got up and shouted, "Crackers!"

They all looked at him, "Crackers?!? What were you dreaming?"

Vaughn smiled, "Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about something. They all rolled their eyes,

and then Kendall remembered he was supposed to be mad at them.

"Why didn't you two bring these back to sleep on instead of using it for yourself?"

"Because..they smell really bad," Syd said holding her nose.

"Well then why did you fall asleep on them?" Will asked her.

"I found some deoderant in the bathroom." Syd stated obviously.

"Is anyone here for us yet?" Vaughn asked.

"No, cracker boy, nobody has came here yet, and we still can't find Jack and Irina.

"You don't think they got stuck in the toaster or anything?" Syd asked curiously.

"The toaster?" Will asked her, "Why---"

"Oh, my parents almost burnt the house down when I was 4, because my dad forgot

about the toast he was making and they were really drunk. They just have a thing with toasters."

Kendall glared at them and said, "Jeez, if I would have known we were going to be

here this long I wouldn't have pre ordered the Harry Potter book.

"Let me guess, WWF?" Will asked him, and then added, "You know, Kendall, even

if you did have the Harry Potter book right now, how would you read it? It would be as big as

you are!"

"Let's try and find Irina and Jack, why don't we?"

Back In The Refrigerator

"This idea is n-never going to work, J-Jack!" Nobody's going t-to think there are mice

in the r-refrigerator."

"J-just be p-patient, m-my love" Jack shivered.

Just then there was light.

"RUN and JUMP!!!" Jack screamed, and they did just that. They landed on the floor

and ran across to under a carpet.

"Ahh warmth, we escaped-and look, there's Syd, Vaughn, Will, and Kendall!"


"Where the heck were you guys?" Kendall yelled.

"Did you get stuck in the toaster?" Syd asked.

"NO!" Irina said, "We got trapped in the refrigerator, and we almost froze to death,

and these people are obsessed with cheese!"

"Oh my gosh!!" Will screamed, "We're saved, here comes the Extraction team!"
Chapter 7

"Okay, we're here! Hahahaha, I cannot wait to see my mini agents!" Weiss lauged.

His coice boomed and seemed to vibrate through the floor. "We're here!"

we all yelled at the top of our lungs, but he still didn't seem to hear us. Suddenly

there waere two legs hovering over tip of us, casting a huge shadown. Then Vaughn,

Jack, Irina, and Syd jumped at his socks. They started pulling and tugging on them.

Finally, Weiss looked down and was like, "Oh! Hey guys, I found them!" A couple of agents

came running over to the spot where we were all huddled on the floor. Kendall and

Sark were still at the top of the table, and thy slid down to join us. but, there was a HUGE

earthquatke when all of the agents rushed over to us. We all fell down and were being thrown

around like popping kernals in a microwave.

The agents got out magnifing glasses and

started peering down at us. Finally, Weiss carefully picked us all up and started laughing

at us. We were sick of him making fun of us, and just wanted him to grow us back to ou

r normal sizes again. I saw a couple of the agents messing around with the Rambaldi

device. After what seemed like years, we were finally all carried to a place under the machine.

It was very bright and hot.Then we heard someone say, rather loudly, "All clear, please

stand by for the transformation." Next thing we knew we were all rapidly growing bigger.

Finally, we returned to our normal sizes again. Weiss was still laughing his head off,

and we all headed for the door. A couple of agents stayed to bring the Rambaldi device back

to Headquarters for analysis. As we were ready to leave we heard a very small voice say,

"What about me?" We all looked down and saw a miniture Kendall running around. We all laughed.

"Oh, just let him go!" Irina shouted. And we did. "Have a great life, Kendallpoo, don't let the

mice bite!" Jack cried out.
that's so funny and little kendall hahaha(and thanx for the pm if you were going to, i just couldn't help myself but read it right away, lol)