Insanity is Just a Word

WHOA! I'm way confused, but I like it. Keep going, and don't worry about trying to explain yourself...just write the chapters.
That's awesome! Is this your explanation for Syd being missing for two years? This is such an interesting start, I CANNOT WAIT to read the rest!

No, this has nothing to do with the finale. It's a stand alone, written right after Countdown, but not really related to it.

Sorry, guys, I realized that the next chapter was left in my locker by the idiot that is me. I've got the part I do have typed up, but it would be weird to end it there.


PS Be nice to poor Timmy. Look at his fic, its really good! I'm serious, you should see what I posted about it. You should see, after you read the fic here.
wow that was a different turn!! im alittle confused but i think after the next chap everything will be clear!! ok post the chap soon cause this is sounding really good!
I TOLD you guys, I left it at school. I haven't been home all day. I've got it now, calm down children.

So, here we go.

You looked up the definition of insanity once. You never knew why, you just did it out of impulse. And for some reason, you still remember it:

"Afflicted with a serious mental disorder impairing a person's ability to function." According to Webster's dictionary, anyway.

And now, as you stare back at the faces around you, unable to move, you couldn't agree more.

The fact of the matter is, whether this world, or you world of love, guns, and spies, is real, you are insane. How else can you explain how you were in your kitchen at one moment, and lying in a mental institution the next?

You hear about insane people, on the news. Those who just... snap, and kill their families. Or start believing that they are engaged to the family dog, and start making wedding arrangements. The stories hardly made you blink. And now, someone else out there isn't giving you a second thought, as you look around the unfamiliar, but yet still is familiar, room.

You wish you were home again. To feel your husband's arms around you. To hold your baby. Even to go on one of your less frequenty since Nancy, but still common, missions.

"Do you know who I am?" asks Peter quietly.
"Peter," you say slowly. "Peter Johnson."
"Yes, that's right," says Peter, happily.
"I want to go home," you hear yourself say. This is playing out before your eyes, like a movie, just like your dreams. Is this a dream? No, no... the pain in your head was too strong for this to be a dream.
"Oh, sweetheart." Peter reaches out his hand, and brushes your face with his hand. For someone that you supposedly once loved, you feel little reaction. Not a shiver, like when Michael touches you. "I wish we could go home. But first you've got to get better. Do you understand?" He looks you in the eyes, speaking slowly, as if to a child, trying to get you to conprehend. In truth, he does not understand.

"Not here," you say, still keeping your eyes locked. "I want to go to my home. MINE! Do you understand?! This isn't my world! Send me home!" Your body shakes with tears.
"Tina, that isn't your world. You belong here." You can tell from Peter's voice that he's trying very hard not to yell.

You stop crying. You are very very angry. "My name is Sydney," you say, voice low and angry. "And I don't belong here. I don't belong anywhere when I'm away from people I love."
Peter looks like you've shot him. "We were in love," he says quietly. "You just don't remember."
"There's nothing for me to remember. Because I. Don't. Belong. Here." You try to stand up, but the strong men by your bed hold you down. You look at Peter, who is crouched next to your bed. "You bastard," you growl.

You feel this world slipping away, and smile as the dizziness overtakes you.
"No, Tina hold on, stay with me!" cries Peter. He brings your hand up in front of your face, seconds before your vision blurs. And you see two thing:

An engagement ring and
A wedding ring.

That shocks you so much, that you actually do hang on for an extra second.

But then, the world goes black.

Your eyes open to a bright room. But this time, you recognize it to be your living room. Your eyes adjust to the light. You smile, glad to be back, and sit up.

Bad idea.

Nausea comes over you, and you think you are going to throw up on your antique rug. Luckily, you flop back onto the cough, calming your stomach, before that happens.

"Uh..." you mumble. "And I thought morning sickness was bad"
"Sydney?" calls a voice from the kitchen. "Syd, are you awake?"
"Michael?" you yell back, relief in your voice. Your husband comes runnging in.
"Jesus, Sydney! I've never been so scared in my entire life! What the hell happened?!"
"Beats me. What did you see?"
"You just collapsed, sweetheart. No warning signs that I saw or heard, you just somehow ended up on the floor. You've got quite a big bump." He places a pack of ice on your head.
"How long was I out?" you ask, reaching up your hand to hold the ice pack against your head. Michael lightly pushes it down, holding the ice himself. G-d you love this man.

"Two hours," he answers solemnly.
Two hours? It felt like twenty minutes. You hold the hand that Micheal does not have pressed against your head. Only then do you realize the slight tremor going through his body.
"Cold?" you ask.
He shakes his head. "I'm absolutely terrified."

Realizing what he said, he looks into your eyes, slight smile on both of your faces.

It happened soon after Diance Dixon's death. When you told Vaughn that Dixon had switched the test results, and that you knew about it. You told him that now you had someone to disappoint. It was the closest you had ever come to telling him that you loved him. A moment later you did.

As you walk, suddenly, you turn to him.
"I am completely in love with you," you say. He looks at you oddly, because, although you were serious, you sound upset, almost scared. You glance at your shoes for a moment, and then look back into Michael's eyes. "And I am absolutely terrified."
He kisses you deeply. That's all it takes for you to know that he feels the same. But, in case you had any doubts: "Don't be scared," he says, voice low. "I love you too much to ever hurt you."

You look at Michael, and you can tell from the smile on your face that he is thinking of the same thing. And you know in that moment that no Peter Johnson is anywhere near as perfect as the man before you.

You push yourself up, bracing yourself for nausea that doesn't come. He helps you up.
"Woah," he says, supporting you, "You ok?"
You nod, and you feel water on your face, and you realize that you have been crying. "H-Why am I crying?"
"It's your brain," he says, rubbing your arm affectionattly. "You tell me. You were crying in your sleep."

"I hit my head," you say, repeating Michael's words slowly.
"Yes, that's whre that lump on your head came from," he says, amused.
So maybe the pain in the other world was just from when you hit your head. It was just a dream, you reassure yourself. Nothing to worry about.
"What were you dreaming about?" asks Michael.
"How horrible my life would have been without you." Which is partially true.

"You are such a suck-up." He says kissing you lightly on the lips. "Should I call the hospital?"
"No, I'll be fine. But, I have to go to the library." Ok, that was awckward.
"Uh-uh," says Michael, pushing you back down on the couch by your shoulders.
"I'm fine. And I'll be back in an hour."
"No, I'm calling the hospital. Now. Or should I drive you? And then-" he looks around the room frantically as he talks.
"Michael," you say laughing. "I'm fine, and you're panicking."
"Sydney, I kind of have reason to."
"I've been knocked unconscious before." you remind him.

"Not in our kitchen!" Michael puts his hand over yours. "You know I will fight my entire life to keep you safe. But I can't fight something I can't see."
"That's because there's nothing to see. I'm probably just tired."
"Most people don't faint when they're tired."
"Maybe so, but I promise, I'm fine. And I have to go. I'll be back soon, I promise."

Michael sighs. He's never been able to argue with you for long. "Fine. Take your cell. You feel dizzy AT ALL, you call me."


You pour over the medical books before you. You look for answers, perhaps knowing what is wrong with you will help you get past it. You're about to finish the second the last book and mover on to the last, when you start getting dizzy again.

No, you think, and grab your purse, and look for your cell phone. You hand brushes it, but before you can take it out of your bag, colors swirl together in a whirlpool of confusion.

When colors seperate, you are back lying on that white bed, in that white room.

And you are starting to really not like it here.

"Hello, Tina," says Peter from his seat next to your bed. "I guess you're wondering where you are."
"Don't bother," you answer cooly. "I don't plan to stay long."
Peter freezes. "You remember?"

Realizing what you just said, you freeze as well. "I-I remember being here earlier today. But I-I don't remember this life you claim I have here."
"Tina, I don't claim it, it's true. I can show you pictures-"
"I would just be dreaming them."
"Hello, Tina," interupts a voice. You look to the door, where a man in a white lab coat is standing. "I'm Rob. Just Rob, no doctor here. We feel it enhances recovery if we have a closer relationship."

You look around the room pointedly. "Seems to be working great," you say sarcastically.
"I think we are making progress. You can obviously remember some, that's an improvement."
"Rob, I'm sure she has some questions for you," says Peter.
Thanks for asking ME Peter, you think, annoyed.

"Tina, ask away, I'll answer the best I can."
You roll your eyes, knowing that they won't leave you alone unless you ask questions, and you are a bit curious. "How long have I been here?"
"Five years," says Rob.
You stare evily at Peter. "Five years," you repeat. "You son of a *****es kept me locked up for five years."
"Tina, it was nessecary," says Peter, pleading.

"B@llshit. What could I POSSIBLY have wrong with me, that could keep me locked up for five years."
"Multiple personality syndrome," says Peter solemnly. "Helped you escape from this life."
"Oh, but if this life is PERFECT why would I want to leave it," you say, your voice dripping with sarcasm.

Peter silently pulls out a picture from his wallet. Of you, with a very large stomach. "You were pregnant, and then-"
"There was a car accident," you say, staring at your shoes. Why do you know this? "And I had internal bleeding in my stomach. The baby didn't make it."
Peter and the doctor stare at you. Even the normally stoic guards look shocked.

"Yes," says Rob, the first to regain their voice. "You blamed yourself for the accident, even though the other driver had been drunk. In order to punish yourself, you created a world where pain is your closest friend, and worst enemy."
"No..." you whisper, your body shaking with sobs, as you realize what must be true: "This isn't a dream."

And then the darkness hits.

Sorry guys. This world's real.
what?!*goes back and rereads last couple lines....* um.............NOOOO! wHAT?!?!?!?!! okay breathe this isnt alias alias isnt even real....LOL! great chapter besides the ending thats almost as bad as vaughn being married!oh NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i have to leave!LOL