Love,lies and spies

(On The top of that roof with Vaugh,Sydney and Sark)

Vaughn turned around and saw Sark hold Sydney with a gun to her head. Just then it started to rain. This wasn't a light rain. The fall of the water hit vaughn's head and went down his face.This didn't bother him though. He stood there in pure silence. He watched as Sark,with Sydney, Walked a bit closer to him. Just enough so he could hear sark talk over the rain.
"Agent Vaughn. There is a slight chance I wont kill Ms. Bristow. The only way for you to make that chance bigger is if you do what I say. Now I didn't just ruin sd-6 and exploit Ms.Bristow and you for no reason. I did so to get my artifact back. Now I have been patient enough. You are going to get in that car down there. No fuss. No tricks. Plain and simple.
Now hand over your gun."
Sark Motioned Vaughn to empty his pockets.
Vaughn Lifted his hands and threw his gun down toward Sark.
Sydney Stood there wet and cold. She could feel the gun at her head. So many things ran threw her head. Then she remember she took classes in morris code. Some how she had to get Vaughn to look at her. But how.
The rain was pouring fearcely down on the roof. If it werent for the slight street light in the back ground it would be impossible to see. Vaughn with his hands on his head moved closer to Sark as was directed to do.
Then out of the corner of his eyes he saw Sydney Signaling him. Telling him to get sark from behind. As they were walking to the entry door that would lead them back down the stairs. Vaughn snaged the gun from Sark and threw him against the wall. Shots rang out thankfully they shot into the dark night.
Vaughn and Sark went at it for awhile until finally Sydney picked up the gun that was hurled at the other side of the roof.
"Hold it right there Sark." She said as she aimed it right at him.
Sark raised his hands slowly.
"Wait there Ms." Said A stranger from the door(One of sarks men)
Vaughn let go of Sark and walked slowly over to where Sydney was kneeling. Sark grabbed his gun and walked over by his man.
"You know Agent. Vaughn I have no need for you. Only Sydney." Said Sark as he raised his Gun at Vaughn. Just when he was ready to shoot. Sydney screamed out. "No." And just then A group of helicopters came down on the roof.
Dozens of CIA agents came rushing out of the helicopters.
Sark saw these men and ran, along with his man, down the stairs.
The team chased after them.
Jack ran out of the last helicopter and ran right toward Sydney.
"Sydney are you ok?" He said in his parental voice.(Whatever that is)
"I am now. Thanks Dad."
"Also thank your Mother. I went to her and told her about you being caught by sark. And she told me the main warehouses that Sark is usually in."
Sydney Hugged her Father and smiled.
" I am going to go and leave you to alone." Said Jack as he looked at Sydney and Vaughn.
When Jack was gone Sydney looked at Vaughn and smiled.
"You know how you proposed to me in the elevator.Well was that real?"
Vaughn looked at her and smiled.
"Yes. It was very real."
Sydney smiled Then gave Vaughn a kiss.
There in the Pouring rain. CIA Agents all around them scurring around as CIA Agents do. And still They stood there and kissed.
THAT WAS FABULOUS! sorry for screaming but when S/V do that I can't help but scream...inside not out loud.
I love it sooooooo much it is sooooo cute. oooooo I love them kisssing. I just wish they would do that in the real show. Keep up the good work!!
The rain kept pouring but Sydney and Vaughn stood there in the rain while the CIA agents checked the building. Vaughn held Sydney close and looked into her eyes. Sydney stood there. Her arms around his neck.
They finally realized where they were and got into the helicopter. They both tryed hidding it,but when they got a chance they stared at eachother and smiled. Just like two kids in Love.
"I am glad that we can be together and not have to worry about protocal." Said vaughn as he grabbed two blankets from the aid kit next to him.
"Yea, me too. You not being my handler is kinda going to need getting use too,but I am happy."
Sydney grabbed one of the blankets and put it around her body. Vaughn walked over and held het next to him. Covering them both with his blanket too.
They both sat there in the helicopter. They were the only ones in there except for the pilot, who wasn't even paying attention to them.
It was a long ride back,but both Vaughn and Sydney didn't mind a thing.
They got off together and headed inside of the CIA.
Kendall walked up to them.
"Agent Bristow. Agent. Vaughn. Glad to have you back. Agent Bristow you and your friends may go back to your home. We have searched your house and found the bugs. We will have Agents around your house at all hours. There will be cameras and serveilance surrounding the house just so none gets in. "
Sydney nodded. She was happy to go home,but really didn't want to leave Vaughn.
"Did they get Sark?" Asked Sydney with a hint of hope in her eyes.
"No. I am sorry we didn't. By the time they had gotten down the stairs he was already gone."
As kendall left Sydney and Vaughn started talking.
"Thank you for letting me stay at your house." Said Sydney as she searched for the words to ask him about the proposal.
"Your welcome. Um.... Sydney I have to ask you something. And dont feel bad if you say no. But I was thinking since we're engaged I thought maybe we could move in together. You know figure things out. Get to know eachother better."
Vaughn looked at Sydney with hope that she would say yes.
Sydney looked at Vaughn and smiled.
" I would love to move in with you. It's just what will I tell Francie. I mean She didn't even know I was seeing you,but she will know you. So yes I will move in with you."
Vaughn looked alot relieved after hearing those word. He hugged her.
"I promise you sydney you wont regret it."
"If I am with you I have no regrets."
Then Sydney looked at her watch
"O.... It's really late. I should go and see how Francie is doing."
"Ok talk to you later." They kissed and she started to walk off.
"O wait Sydney." Said Vaughn as he walked over to her. He pulled a little velvet box out of his pocket. He opened it up. Inside was a diamond ring.
Sydney looked at it amd tears started to roll down her face. She hugged him and walked out of his office.

I am writing more but I am just posting this now.
Sydney walked in to see Will reading a magazine and Francie laying on the bed her head off the side of it.
When Sydney walked in Francie jumped up and gave sydney a hug.
"Francie? Are you ok? "
"No! I am bored like hell here. I have asked Will to play monoply three times, but he keeps refusing,because everytime we play I beat him."
"You do not! I just dont feel like playing." Protested Will as he put down the magazine. Francie looked at Will.
"If you weren't such a smart ass, and didn't do a dance everytime I landed on your property. Then you might have won." Said Francie as she turned her attention back to Sydney.
"We can go home now." Said Sydney as she sat on the bed.
"We can. Good. I cant stand laying in here any longer." Said Francie as she sat on the side of the bed.
"There will be agents watching the house though so what happened before wont happen again.
"Good. I wont mind if some handsome agent guys come and watch over our house. Give me someone to talk to." Joked francie.
Then Francie looked at Sydney's hand.
"Where did you get the ring." Said Francie looking at the Diamond ring that shined on her finger.
Sydney looked down and smiled.
"O I didn't tell you? I am engaged."
Right then Will droped his coffee glass and Francie's jaw fell to the floor.
"What do you mean?" Said Francie as she gave Sydney a strange look.
"Well. You know Agent Vaughn my handler right? Well I have liked him for quite awhile and. He asked me to marry him. Francie I know you dont know him,but you will start. I promise you will. Francie looked at her and started to smile.
"Your getting married!" Said Francie as she ran over and hugged Sydney knocking her and the blankets off the bed.
As they said their congradulations. Will sighed an hurt and shocked sigh. Then started reading the magazine again.
The next day after everyone was settled back into the house. Sydney went house shopping with Vaughn at the closest interior store they could find. They were in the paint isle when a man walked up to Sydney.
"Sydney? Sydney Bristow? Is that you?" Said the man as he walked up to her and Vaughn. They turned around and Sydney got a shocked look on her face.