more then mets the eye

hey ya'll!

wattup? im correctin this as I go, i had to type up a few articles that my grandma wrote before she died so i've been a lil busy 2. i also have a huge project due soon, anyhoo, to the story.

As Nat and Syd walked into the CIA, they saw Kendall coming towards them.


oh god, what does he want? not MORE stuff i dont want to know i hope."Natalie, please meet me in my office in 10 minutes sharp.

"ouch, twice in one day, that's got to suck." said Weiss, trying to be funny for Nat, but with no success. Nat stuck her tongue out at him.

"Nat, please don't do that here, it's rude."

"I can do what I want thirteen!" argued Nat.

"No you cannot do what you want Nat. You can't drive, you can't fly planes, you can't drink............"

"Oh oh, and don't forget! You can't run aroung the CIA buck naked!" said Weiss, trying again to be funny, this time successfully.

"EWWWW! Weiss! Why would I want to do that?- no wait, dont answer that question." And with that, Nat walked off to Kendall's office, obviously disturbed.

When she got to the office, she knocked at the door. When she didn't get a reply, she opened the door slowly, so as to not make trouble. Inside she saw Kendall sitting at his desk, his head in his hands. She knocked again. Without taking his head out of his hands he told the waiting girl to sit down.

"I really don't know how to tell you this Natalie, but please listen until I am finished." And with that he started up:

"Your mother's name is not Sara Coleman, but it is Jennifer Kendall. She is my little sister. About 15 years ago we got into a fight. A bad one. The last thing she told me was that I would pay. Soon after she left the country. She joined the KGB and made quick friends with Irena Derevko. She was then sent on a mission to seduce and marry your father. Ten years later, Derevko asked Jen to join her in the search for Rambaldi. She killed your father, faked her own death and left with Irena. That is all. Are you going to be okay?"

hey hey. that is not all, morw will come tonight or tomorrow but i am not feeling great so im gonna go lie down. bye bye!

heyhey, u guys would not believe how many times I had to re-type this thing, but here it is, done, typed and posted, enjoy!

Nat was stunned. She could not believe what Kendall told her. As she was walking back to Sydney, a rookie agent walked up to her and handed her her homework binder, full with more work for her to do. She walked over to Sydney's desk and worked through the homework.

When she was finally done, she sat up and thought about what kendall had said.
Jennifer Kendall..........little sister..........fight........make me friends Irena......mission.........killed father.......irena..........rambaldi....... it was all a little bit much for a 13 yr. old. She knew who to talk to.

"Hey kiddo, wattup?"

"Hi Weiss, i need to talk to you. It's important," said Nat, with a look of 'please, this isn;t funny, just lsten to me' on her face.

" OK shoot," said Weiss seriously.Nay told him every word Kendall had said.
"Ok, i think it's time we go home. Let's go get Vaughn and Syd.
"Ok, but don't tell Vaughn..............yet," she pleaded.
"Alrite." and then they left with Syd and Vaughn

Once home, Vaughn and Nat were making dinner

"Merde" said Vaughn, dropping a freshly cleaned head of lettuce on the ground.

"Tu sais, je suis bilingue, je comprends parfaitement tout ce que tu dis en francais, meme quand vous sacrez." ( you know, im bilingual, i understand every thing you say in french, even when you're swearing)

"Comment avez- vous appris?" (how did you learn?)

"Je vivais au Canada, près de la frontière Ontario/Québec, il m'a fallu d'apprendre." ( i lived in Canada, near the ontario/quebec border, i had to learn.)

"oh" Vaughn said after their conversation in french. that was when the phone rang.

"Hello?" said Nat, answering the phone

"Hi its Em, wanna come over and play soccer? I'm missing a person on my team, and apparently you llike soccer."

"yah sure, that sounds great, umm, when are you playing?"

"umm, in about a half hour. is that ok?"

"yah, gives me time to eat a small dinner" replied Nat.

"ok, i live at 123 Beverly Street." Emilie informed Nat.

"Hey! cool, i live at 122. hold on a sec," nat ran to the window. "can you see me?"

"How can I not? You're wearing hot pink everything!"

"Haha, funny, anyway, i'll see you soon! bye!" Nat hung up the phone and walked to the Kitchen. "Vaughn, after supper I'm going to Emilie's to play soccer, ok?"

"Ok Nat, just bring Donovan"

"My pleasure"


Emilie saw Nat and Donovan walking across and jumped up to greet them. "Hey cute dog!" she exclaimed, petting Donovan.

"Yah, he is isnt he?" said Nat, bending down to pet him too.

"Emilie! You're on! But you're missing a player!" yelled Jean-Philippe, Emilie's older sister's BF.

"OK! WE HAVE A REPLACEMENT!" Em yelled back. "I think Donovan is going to get some excercise"


Nat could barely walk back home. After hours of soccer she was exhausted. She climbed up the stairs, dragging her feet and opened the door. She kicked off her shoes, and crahed on the couch. Donovan ran up to her and snuggled in beside her. They both fell asleep instantly.

"Awww!" Syd walked into the living room, on her way to the bathroom, and saw the two on the couch and called for Vaughn. " I hate to interrupt your conversation about hockey, but you guys have to see this."

The three adults walked into the living room

"Aw, what a Kodak moment"

"Shut up Weiss, you're ruining it" said Syd

''No really, get a camera" Vaughn turned around and took a camera out of the cabinet and handed it to Weiss, who began taking pictures of himself.

''WEISS!" Syd and Vaughn said in unison

"Do your job and take a picture of them!" said vaughn. He did, and then Vaughn went to pick her up to put her in her bed.

As he was walking down the hall, Nat started talking in her sleep. "No way, there's no way you're my uncle. My mom's last name was Coleman, not Kendall"

Vaughn was shocked. As he put the young girl down on her bed, she opened her eyes. By the look on Vaughn's face, she knew he knew her secret. All she wanted to do was pull the comforter over her head and cry.

"It's ok" he said, starting to rub her back

"No, it isn't. It's not ok." she said before bursting into tears. "Do you know what it's like, being thirteen and finding out your mother is a traitor, she betrayed two countries, killed your father and faked her death and left you all alone to deal with the pain? Do you know what it feels like to know that you were an accident? A result of a mission form horrible people? And that your mother never really loved you?" said Nat between sobs. "Do you know what it's like to live in a world where no one wants you or loves you? Do you?"

"No I don't" said Syd, walking in from her place at the doorway, where she had been the whole time with Weiss. "And neither do you, because we love and want you" with that, she leaned over and hugged Nat. Vaughn did the same.

"AWWW! Group hug!" said Weiss from the middle of the room. Syd was about to tell Weiss to shut up until Nat stood up. She walked over to Weiss and hugged him, crying on him all the same. Weiss was surprised, but didn't waste a second in hugging her back.

talk to ya'll l8er, mel kim, i'll see you guys at school 2morrow.and DONT FORGET THE ALIAS FINALE IS ON TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!! YAY! :woot:


Didn't vaughn say will was fine, and they never showed the ring, we dont know that hes married there could be an explanation. Wishfull thinking!
great story i needed something happy after that show!
K well I'm having a slight problem finding time to write( having to pay attention in class because of exams) so it might take awhile. I'm thinking saterday or Sunday, but don't hold me to it. IT'S NOT A PROMISE!!!!!
Mel! come on, dont lie, all u do during english, geography, history, french, and sometimes math!!!!! kk, here's what, gimme what u got, and i'll separate it.....we have fans waiting! lol, jk, but even I want to get it up, and I know kim is dying, lol!

U know what, i think dying is an undrstatement!
post more soon,
come on,
u know u wanna
lol see ya tomorow, and don't forget the test -grammar!

Heyo ya'll~! we wrote more~well, mel did, i corrected and finished it! ya go:

Nat woke up the next day with a smile on her face. Somebody wanted her! She slipped out of bed and had one of those freaky moments where you get all light headed.........she shook her head and tiptoed over to her closet. She opened her closet door and pulled out numerous t-shirts, then dumped all her shorts onto her bed. She then proceeded to place all of her tee's around her room. When she was done, she stood in the middle of her room and pointed. She then spun around and counted to ten. When she got to ten, she stopped. She opened her eyes and saw that she was pointing at a bright orange t-shirt with a pineapple in the middle, the sleeves were a darker bright orange. She decided that that would be an orange day, so she pulled on the tee and chose a pair of orange shorts from the pile on her bed.

srry guyz, i have 2 go, but i'll post more l8er.........
