Mother's Day Tribute



In celebration of Mother's Day vote for Alias's mother at's Daily Poll. She is in fourth place now!
I wouldn't mind her as a mommy. She seems kewl and rather caring when her job isn't in the way. And isn't it wonderful to have a mother who can kick butt?
Really, every hour? Humm, will do. I'm not above being crafty and devious myself.
If I had Irina as my mother I would certainly pay attention to what she has to say! Sydney has been a bit lax in this department.
Hey I've already got a mom who kicks butt. Heehee!

I voted for Irina although it was tempting to vote for Debra from Everybody Loves Raymond since she had twins but Irina you go MOMMA!
Yay!!!!! Yesterday, when I voted, she was in fifth place and now she's in second. WOO-HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
GO IRENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!