
I have Lockiophobia. It's fear of childbirth. I'm so going to adopt a kid. I get wicked stomach aches and I don't think I could take it. I once had to have a blood test and an ultrasound to make sure I didn't have a stomach disease!
Yucky. aw.
If I have a kid , I;m sooo getting a Caesarian. NO pushing something as big as a football out down there. so u could say that I also am a Lockiophobic.....hmm...

~fear of abandonment?~
Paula said:
Yucky. aw.
If I have a kid , I;m sooo getting a Caesarian. NO pushing something as big as a football out down there. so u could say that I also am a Lockiophobic.....hmm...

~fear of abandonment?~
Don't you get a major scar if you do Caesarian? If you ever want to were midriffs, hip huggers or bikinis you would have a huge scar on you stomach!
I love exams! I can't wait till mid-terms! Seriously!    

i don't know about loving exams.. i take nerophysiology and endocinology.. that stuff is seriously the weirdest stuff i have ever studied before! personally i am not lookig forward to writting those exams! :blink: :thinking:
Exams are kinda fun...math is i know is english...kinda...i like english papers better...cuz if the topic is a short story...then i'm the master of writing TOO much...
i only think exams are fun if i know what im doing...

or the exams you know you can flunk and it wouldnt make any difference in the world
LOL...anyways...about my phobias...i'm scared of Penguin Lovers (*cough cough* Sury *cough cough* a)...there you go...if you don't know me still...uh oh...
vaughneya said:
oh im scared of finals
and im not scared of people. i am pretty outgoing. and i talk a lot. but i do have the fear of losing my voice
Losing your voice would be a DISASTER to people like us...and we all know why don't we?