Season 2 Sloane cries

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Sloane...human??? way. But why does he let Emily be his shield like that...I can't imagine dixon's aim is really that bad....but maybe he's just out of practice.
Poor syd, having to loose Emily...again! And Sloane crying was just...WEIRD! I mean, nice to know he's human, but still....I think he's a monkey...
well Dixon didn't mean to shoot Emily. he was aiming at Sloane and then the helicopter flew right over his head and distracted him. it's very sad, but Emily wasn't proving herself to be all that sensible or reliable so in my opinion she had really outlived her usefulness. it's still sad. but not as much as it would have been if she hadn't tried to save Sloane and then try to make a break with him.
It's hard to say, but i have to admit, i felt sad for Sloane! I mean, he was trying to get out of all the sh*t (or so it seemed) and then everything he was trying for just got shot! I cried! I was sad! Eventhough he is heartless and evil, somewhere in there, there is a heart!!! Kinda creepy... ;)
pathetic. I'm really hating sloane, but this is making a great story line in which now he is fueled of anger and hatred from the sniffling whipped man he was ...