
hi all, does anybody know a good online translator from english to spanish / spanish to english? I'm trying to do my really late spanish hw (I was HERE talking about alias!) and it's driving me up the wall. it's just staight translation but I really...well. you all get it. so does anybody know a good one? or want to translate it for me?

:D ;)
ok, well I just tried to translate it on and here's what I got (translated back into english):

First wide-awake one in the morning in 6:50. As soon as the dull awakener goes I I reach above and presses the button of snooze. I often repeat this. When finally I decide to rise my cat I raise on my head and it falls slept. I rise around 7am so. Later rising of me I choose what wanted that uses for the day and obtained dressed. Later I go to my computer and I verify my email. 7:10am I enter the bathroom and brush my hair with hairbrush, brush my teeth with a toothbrush and a dental cream and put ignition my contact lenses. Breakfast with my mother before taking to the bus the school. I go to the school and I learn to divide 9am for 4pm. After the school which I go to all that dance where change in my classic ballet boiled must and puts my hair in a bun with hairbrush. When I finish dance I very they are tired. My mother comes to take me in the study from the dance. When we arrived at house I make my tasks. Food the cat and volume towards outside the sweepings. Sometimes for the supper we bought food of restaurants, we cooked ourselves sometimes. We eat the television of the supper and the clock. After supper with ready himself for the bed. Encounter my pajamas and change in them. Brush my teeth with a toothbrush and a dental cream. Brush my hair with hairbrush. I wash the face. Then I lie down and I read for half of the hour. I fall slept in near 11pm.

ROLFMAO! I can't stop laughing.

Anyway it's a really stupid paragraph. m teacher wants "what you do during the day" and she wants us to write it all out like we're babies in extreme detail "ie. I brush my hair with a hairbrush" so I'm kind of embarassed to show you guys but here's what I have to translate (please don't laugh at me and stop talking to me! :confused: :

First I wake up in the morning at 6:50 am.
As soon as the alarm clock goes off I reach over and smack the “snooze” button.
I repeat this many times.
When I finally decide to get up my cat climbs onto my head and falls asleep.
So I get up around 7am.
After getting up I choose what I want to wear for the day and get dressed.
Then I go to my computer and check my e-mail.
At 7:10am I go into the bathroom and brush my hair with a hairbrush, brush my teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste and put on my contact lenses.
I have breakfast with my mother before taking the bus to school.
I go to school from 9am to 4pm.
After school I go to the dance studio where I change into dance clothes and put my hair into a ponytail with a hairbrush.
When I finish dance I am pretty tired.
My mother comes to pick me up at the dance studio.
When we arrive home I do my chores. I feed the cat and take out the garbage.
We often go out for dinner.
Or we stay home, eat dinner and watch television.
After dinner I get ready for bed. I find my pajamas and change into them.
I brush my teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste. I brush my hair with a hairbrush.
I wash my face. Then I lie down and read for a half an hour.
I fall asleep at about 11pm.

I told you she wanted inane detail!

so can ya help?

Primero despierto por la mañana en 6:50. Tan pronto como vaya el despertador apagado yo alcance encima y presione el botón del snooze. Repito esto muchas veces. Cuando finalmente decido levantarme mi gato subo sobre mi cabeza y cae dormido. Me levanto tan los alrededor 7am. Después levantándose de mí elijo lo que quisiera que use para el día y consiguiera vestida. Después voy a mi computadora y compruebo mi E-mail. En los 7:10am entro el cuarto de baño y cepillo mi pelo con un hairbrush, cepillo mis dientes con un cepillo de dientes y una crema dental y pongo encendido mis lentes de contacto. Desayuno con mi madre antes de llevar el autobús la escuela. Voy a la escuela y aprendo a partir el 9am a los 4pm. Después de que la escuela que voy a toda esa danza donde cambio en mi ballet clásico arrope y ponga mi pelo en un bollo con un hairbrush. Cuando acabo danza yo son muy cansado. Mi madre viene tomarme en el estudio de la danza. Cuando llegamos a casa yo haga mis tareas. Alimento el gato y tomo hacia fuera la basura. A veces para la cena compramos alimento de restaurantes, nosotros lo cocinamos a veces ourselves. Comemos la televisión de la cena y del reloj. Después de cena consigo listo para la cama. Encuentro mis pijamas y cambio en ellos. Cepillo mis dientes con un cepillo de dientes y una crema dental. Cepillo mi pelo con un hairbrush. Me lavo la cara. Entonces me acuesto y leo para una mitad de la hora. Me caigo dormido en cerca de 11pm.

y muchas muchas gracias!
could you correct the bits that are wrong please? I don't really trust online machine translators, I think my teacher grades you down if she can tell it's internet-done...

you guys are so awesome by the way! I love alias! it's not only given me a hobby, innumerous MB's but cool people who help me w/ my spanish hw!!!

oops. I just tried to send you all a thank you PM but I didn't get iLOv3vAuGhN's right, I just sent it to ilovevaughnxo. oops! and thanks again guys!

Let me see ... I will try and translate this for you ... hopes it helps!

Me despierto a las 6.50 de la mañana. Al momento en que suena el despertador, sin levantarme, lo alcanzo y oprimo el boton de "snooze". Repito esto varias veces.

Cuando finalmente, estoy por levantarme, mi gato sube sobre mi cabeza y se queda dormido alli. Asi que me levanto a eso de las 7.00 am.

Cuando decido levantarme de la cama, elijo lo que me voy a poner ese dia, y me visto ... Luego voy a mi computadora a chequear mis e-mails. A eso de las 7.10am, entro al baño, y me peino con un "hair-brush", me cepillo los dientes con un cepillo dental y con crema dental, y luego me pongo mis lentes de contacto.

Desayuno con mi mama, antes de coger el bus para la escuela. Estoy en la escuela de 9.00am hasta las 4.00pm.

Despues de la escuela, voy a un estudio de baile, donde me cambio de ropa, para mi ropa de baile y pongo mi cabello en un moño, con un "hair-brush".
Cuando termino de bailar, estoy super cansada.

Mi mama me viene a recoger al estudio de baile. Llegando a casa, hago lo que siempre hago. Le doy de comer al gato y saco la basura.

Con frecuencia, salimos para cenar. Pero tambien cenamos en casa, y vemos television. Despues de cenar, me prepara para ir a dormir. Busco mis pijamas y me las pongo.

Me cepillo mi dientes con un cepillo dental y crema dental. Me peino con un "hair-brush". Me lavo la cara. Luego me recuesto y leo por media hora.

Me duermo a eso de las 11.00pm.

After getting up I choose what I want to wear for the day and get dressed.

Shouldn't you put here that you take a bath before getting dressed.

And I did leave "hairbrush" ... but you can use in spanish: peine, peineta.
you ROCK!!! the project turned out ok, I still have to memorize it and say it but you all are the best!!!!!

if I could give you all points I would!!!! :D