Stolen Lover

+what was it! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! iam dying here. please post more soon! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ::hysterical screaming as my parents yell at me to get off the computer:: that was a wonderful chapter. i really thought that it was writen very well. love ya babe~me~ :thinking:
i am literally dying here. no i really am. my allergies and lack of chapter are killing me. no preasure. lol! ~me~ :Ph34r:
OKay, don't worry it's not the end of that chapter. I just didn't have time to post the rest. I'll have it up later!
Oh my god!! Are you trying to kill me??? Poor Vaughn!! This fic is amazing!! I can't wait to see what happens next!!
Okay!! Here we go! Sorry to make you all wait so long!! Here is the rest of chapter 5!!

Chapter 5-Part 2

Jack followed Sydney, intent on finding out what happened. "Sydney, what's wrong?" He asked sternly.
She walked fast, trying to avoid him. He won't care, not in the least bit. He'd give her some lecture, telling her not to look for Vaughn. Why did he hate Vaughn so much? She just didn't get it.
She was stopped by his hand grasping her arm. He glared at her, his eyes making her want to cower. "What's going on?" He asked again, his voice quiet.
Shaking her head, she looked hard at him. "You could care less." She turned around, ripping her arm from his hand.
"It's about Vaughn, isn't it?" She stopped, hesitating before facing him. "I can tell, the way your eyes look." He walked up to her, his face had a very faint soft look. "Sydney, what happened?"
For a while, she just stood there, staring at him. Should she tell him? All it'll do is cause more trouble. But she didn't really have a choice. She looked away briefly as she took in a breath. She couldn't cry.
"In the mail, I got an envelope. Inside, were pictures of Vaughn." She looked down and then back up at him. She talked with a shaky voice. "Pictures of him, brutly beaten. Suffering." Jack stared at her, shocked. His lips were slightly parted. She broke and let out a sigh and a sob at the same time. "They were horrible!" She took a deep breath and dried her tears with her hands. "I-I don't know what to do."
She waited for him to respond. In some, any way. But he just stood there, his cold eyes scanning her. If he is going to try to convince her to stop look for Vaughn, she won't hold back. His whole attitude on this matter really provoked her.
Jack opened his mouth to talk, hesitated, then spoke. "Sydney, I can understand, taht you want to find him. But for your own good, stop looking!" His voice slightly rumbled in his low tone.
Her expression slowly changed to patient and calm, to utter disgust. Her face clearly showing it, she shook her head. "Why the hell do you object it?" He leaned back a little, her tone surprising. "You don't give any thought, whatsoever to Vaughn!" She looked at him, piercing him with her flaring eyes. "Why dad? Why do you try to stop me? Do you really hate Vaughn so much, that you try your hardest to keep me from him?" Her father just watched her. He didn't know what to say, he was stuck. "What are you hiding?" She yelled, stepping toward him.
People around them stopped and stared with curiosity momentarily. Then they went back to their buisness.
He made her temper flare, keeping his mouth shut. Why wasn't he talking? What was going on? Clearly something! And it nagged at her, ate her up inside.
Again, purely disgusted, she shook her head. "How could you? How could you possibly feel this way?" Still, he didn't say anything. "You think I care more about my safety, than Vaughn? With out Vaughn, I might as well shoot myself!" Her voice once again, made people stop and look over. Sydney leaned close to him, glaring. "Understand, I will stop at nothing, to find him. Which means, no matter what you say or do, you can't stop me."

* * *

"What more can we do?"
"There is nothing more we can do."
"Of course there is! There must be!"
"What more could we possibly do to make her suffer?"
"I'm sure we'll think of something."
"No, we're finished. Send a team. For them both."

* * *

He opened the door to his dark, empty house. He stood in the doorway, something was wrong. He didn't know what it was. Instinct just told him that something was abnormal. He didn't turn on the light, he felt that it would be a bad move.
Slowly, he reached for the gun under his suit coat. He gripped the handle, looping his finger around the triger. Pulling it out, he softly closed the door. No motion, no sound. But there was something, he knew it.
His eyes darting around the room, he took one cautious step forward. A pang of jolting pain ripped through his knee. His knee buckled, and he fell, knealing on the floor. He thrust his elbow back, colliding with soft substance. There was a crash and a clatter as the attacker stumbled back.
Hardly able to see, Jack stepped out of a fist's path. Grabbing his arm, Jack twisted it, and the man screamed. Jack brought the butt of his gun down on the attacker's elbow. A howl errupted, disturbing the silence. Jack then cracked the gun across the man's head, knocking him down. Out cold.
Jack listened for any more. Nothing. Ignoring the jaring pain in his cracked knee, he stumbled over to the wall. He flipped the lightswitch, the light flooding the room.
He recognized the two men who were sprawled on the carpet. Only as a couple of henchmen he'd seen Sloane send out a few times. Sloane. A pang of realization smack him. And he only had one thought, one concern. Sydney.

* * *

"Francie? Will?" Her voice echoed in the house. She walked over to the fridge, were a not had been left.
Will and I are at the restaurant. Be back soon!

Sydney smiled. She was looking forward to seeing Francie. She needed some normality in her hectic life. With out Vaughn, she needed all she could get. A warm, happy smile. A conversation about everyday life. Something to make her feel alive.
She frowned and looked at the counter, her phone joggling as it rang. She seriously considered smashing it with a hammer. It's ring was really starting to irritate her. Still, she couldn't refrain from answering it. It was important, she knew it. She just wanted to abscond this life. With Vaughn.
Letting out a sigh, she answered. "Hello?"
"Sydney stay away from your house!" She was startled by the voice of her panicing father. "I don't have time to explain but-"
She didn't even have time to be confused. Choking, leaning back against another body, gasping for air. Her phone was thrown to the floor. Not by her. A strong arm pushed against her adam's apple, blocking her air pipe. Then she felt the cold, hard feel of a gun barrel, pressed again her head.
"You try anything," A man whispered. Sydney raised her foot, poised to slam into the attacker's knee. "We'll kill your precious Vaughn. Right in front of you."
His name struck her. Vaughn. They had Vaughn! And they, whoever they is, is here for her. Were they taking her to him? Oh god, what for? Not wanting anything to happen to Vaughn, she put her foot back on the ground.
His laughter sent chills down her spine. How she wanted to kick his petty little butt. She took in short, timid breaths. Her eyes slashed back and forth, waiting. Waiting in suspense.

Okay, that's chapter 5. I'm working hard at chapter 6. And since I have next week off of school, I should get like, two or three chapters done. WEll I hope anyway. Please review!!!!
wow! I realy want to know what happens next. You have an amazing writing style that describes everything perfectly - Good job!
Okay, I re-wrote a lot of this chapter, so it's finally done! I hope that you guys enjoy this chapter! Things kind of take a turn...

Anyway, enjoy and please review!

Chapter 6

As soon as the van stopped, they yanked her up and pushed her out. Wrenching her uper arms in tight holds as they ushered her through hallways. The dark cloth they had over her eyes kept her from seeing her surroundings. She had no idea where she was, or where they were taking her. Only the hope that she would see Vaughn.
Abruptly, they pushed her down. She unsteadily landed in a chair, that she felt was familiar. Though she couldn't quite pick it out. Her many and mixed feelings lessened her thinking ability. They grabbed at her head, removing the cloth from her eyes.
Her breathing system shut down, and her brain cells exploded. Her thoughts blank, yet running wild. The thing she saw in front of her, the ugly, treacherous thing, paraylized her. She never thought, didn't even consider it to be this. And now she wanted to put a bullet in her head for her stupidity.
He looked up from his desk, and a comfortable smirk formed on his face. "Sydney, I haven't seen you in a while."
She pulled herself out of her thoughts of Vaughn, to glare at Sloane. "I've been busy."
"Yes, I know." He stood from his chair to walk around the glass desk. "I've been keeping an eye on you."
"I supose that's how you found out I was going to interrogate Wilkom, and killed him yourself. To prevent me from finding Vaughn."
Sloane frowned. "I'm afraid that I don't know what you're talking about Sydney."
"You can't lie to me." Sydney replied. "I know you did it. Who else could have?"
Sloane stared at her, calm, hands folded, leaning against the table. "I don't know. But it wasn't me, Sydney. Why would I try to prevent you from finding Mr. Vaughn, and then send you a message to call him?"
Her eyes fell as she pondered this, frusterated. She stayed silent, and didn't reply.
Sloane smiled before he stood up straight. "Come Sydney. I'd like you to meet my new asset."

* * *

"I can understand your concern Jack. But we can't just send a team into SD-6!" Kendall yelled.
Jack stared at him with his cold eyes that created his famous glare. "They'll kill her." He said plainly.
Kendall nodded. "I'm perfectly aware of that. But what I don't understand, is why you've kept this a secret." He watched Jack momentarily before continuing on. "You knew taht Sloane and Kan were suspicious of Sydney, that they were going to kidnap and interrogate Agent Vaughn, and-"
"I have my reasons." Jack interuppted.
"Yeah, don't you always. You should understand more than anyone why I can' just send a team in to extract those two!" kendall told him. He sighed and wipped his forehead. "We'll just have to wait, Jack."

* * *

She broke down, tears waterfalling down her cheeks. Her body violently trembling. Her heart throbbing with every excited beat. Her mind blank. Her shaking knees. She choked.
"Vaughn!" She yelled out to him, pain and joy, both gurgling in her voice. Excitement pulsing through her, she lunged forward. But she was stopped by the secruity, pulling her back. She wrestled with their arms, trying to break free. Trying to reach Vaughn, such a short distance away. She bit her lip, crying. "Vaughn..."
They were in an eye lock. They gazed at each other, so relieved. But they were both being held back, Sydney by Sloane and his henchmen. And Vaughn by the think straps that tied him to the chair.
Sloane stepped between them. "Well, well. I see that you two are happy to see each other." He looked over at Sydney, staring into her eyes. "I wouldn't get too comfortable. Time, is limited." He said, walking over to Vaughn. "Tell me Sydney, how far would you go for this man?"
Sydney and Vaughn continued to stare. But they were paying full attention to Sloane. She hesitated, she knew her answer. But she wasn't sure that it'd be the best idea to answer. For Vaughn's safety, and...What if he doesn't feel the same? She mentally slapped herself. Now is not the time to be thinking about that!
Sloane was now looking at her, eyebrows arched, waiting. She looked at him, then back at Vaughn. Looking deep into his eyes. She opened her mouth, about to answer, then she stopped. She couldn't do it. Not now, not yet. Sloane didn't need to know. She didn't want him to know!
She looked back to Sloane. "Why do you care? It's no use to you!" She snapped. her rage and thirst for revenge, now stronger for kidnapping and torturing Vaughn.
Sloane sighed and shook his head. "You know Sydney, your father-" He was cut off by the steel door opening. Sloane stopped, turning his attention to the approaching agent.
"There's a call for you. It's Bristow."
Sydney snapped her head over to them, her eyes wide. Sloane glanced at Sydney, then back to the agent. "I'll take it in my office. Leave Sydney here, we'll get back to her." Sloane glanced at Sydney one last time as he stepped around the agent.
The security threw Sydney on the floor. They filed out, closing the door. Sydney slowly got up, dizzy from the hard impact. Then she bolted up, realizing that she was with Vaughn. Alone.
"Vaughn! Oh my god!" She started to cry as she softly ran her hands down his face.
"I'm okay." Vaughn said, trying not to cause her much pain. Even though he already knew she was in pain.
"No you're not!" She replied, shaking her head. Then she looked down, noticing the thick, tight buckles. Her hands ripped through the air, quickly unbuckling them. When she got the last one off, she pulled him from the chair into her arms.
He winced as he painfully groaned. Worried, Sydney stepped back. He carefully put his hands on his ribs, and his breathing was raggad. With every breath he winced.
Sydney placed her hands over his, slowly pulling his away. She lightly blushed as she glanced at him, pulling up his shirt. She gasped, seeing his skin heavily bruised, and many little bumps of the broken ribs poking his skin.
Tears stung her eyes as she examined it. She took in a sharp breath. "What did they do to you?"
Vaughn winced again, inhaling sharply. "Tried to get me to talk." He replied quietly.
She let his shirt fall from her hand, covering his battered body. "And you wouldn't?"
He opened his eyes to look at her. "Would you?"
She stared at him in silence. Then she shook herself. "I see your point."
Slowly, Vaughn leaned forward. Sydney put her hands out to keep him from collapsing. "Vaughn, you should sit down."
Her firmly shook his head. "No. It feels good to stand. I've been sitting for forty-eight hours straight."
"Vaughn, please!" Sydney begged. "You're in no condition to be standing! Lay down if you have to." He sighed, giving in, and Sydney helped him to lay down. She sat down next to him, looking him over. "Vaughn?"
"Hm?" He opened his briefly-closed eyes and looked over at her. His deep green eyes sparkling.
She bit her lip, hesitating. "How did they know, that you have any connection to me?"
He didn't say anything for a few minutes. He just stared. Then he licked his lips and talked. "Kane's agents, at Nice. Remember?"
Sydney's jaw slowly hung, the realization hitting her. A shamed of herself, she put her head in her hands. "I should have known. I should have remembered! It's so obvious! I could've had you out of here hours ago!"
"Sydney," Vaughn said quietly. She looked down at him. "Don't be so hard on yourself. It's a simple mistake."
"Besides," he continued, purposefully cutting her off. "It's my fauly any of this happened."
Sydney blinked a couple times, starring at him blankly. "Vaughn, that's rediculous!"
Shaking his head, he sighed. "No, Sydney. It's not. If I hadn't asked you to dinner, they would've never spotted us. Therefore, we wouldn't be here."
"Vaughn..." She leaned down on her elbow, getting closer to him. "I'm glad you asked me."

* * *

"Why did you take her?"
"Jack, you knew this was going to happen. You didn't object to capturing Mr. Vaughn-"
"I didn't object because Sydney has no connection to him, or the CIA!"
"There's no use denying Jack. You know I wouldn't have done anything without proof that Sydney and Mr. Vaughn know each other."
"They only way you could've gotten "proof" is if Mr. Vaughn lied."
"He didn't lie, but he did call out to Sydney when we called her. She couldn't her him of course."
"...It was you."
"And, when I brought Sydney in to see him, it was obvious they know each other. In fact, I think they're in love."
"Sydney, is not in love with that man!"
"Sydney mentioned the murder of Agent Wilkom. She blamed me, saying I was trying to prevent her from finding Mr. Vaughn. I know what lengths you would go to protect her. Even if it means keeping her from the man she loves, even if it means his torture and his death. I know, that you are the one who murdered Wilkom."

* * *

He answered his phone. "Yes?"
"Mr. Sark," The familiar voice said. "I need you to do a favor for me. I believe a rescue attempt will be made."
He smiled. "And what would you like me to do, Sir?"

* * *

So, that's chapter 6. I hope that you guys liked it! I am working hard on chapter 7, I even have a little spoiler for you!

~~~~~Spoiler for Ch. 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sark looked over at Vaughn. He struck his hand out, crushing his gun across Vaughn's scull. Sydney screamed, begging for Sark to do no more, as Vaughn slammed onto the ground. His ribs cracking more. Sark put the hammer of his gun into place, aiming at Vaughn
"There will be no questions, no demands, and no delays." Sark informed Sydney. "Or there will be pain, screams, and blood. Not yours."


I'll have chapter 7 up soon