
c'mon wats up with that everyone stops their story when they get to the good parts and then they make us wait for what seems like ever!!
I looked outside to see Sark running to a black SUV and saw someone sitting next to him driving. I tried tosee who it was but they were hidden. Sark was holding something in his hands I knew it had to be another piece of a rambaldi artifact. Vaughn and Wiess were already on the phone with the CIA heaquarters in Seattle they told us that Sloane was know where in site. I couldn't beleive it Sloane was to afraid to get the artifact himself.

We reached the van and were able to track down the Suv and followed it. We noticed that there were three bodies in the car but I only saw two. As we got closer the Suv started to hit us on the side, Sark pulled out a gun and started shooting the tires. Weiss turned so we wouldn't get hit. Vaughn told Weiss to try to get them off the road, they started to cut us off. Then we bumped into the back end of the car, it knocked off the road. Weiss almost got back conrol of it but Sark shot one of the tires.

I got out to look down the road, I though maybe I could see which way they were heading. It was to late they were gone and so was the artifact. Vaughn gets out with a disapointed look on his face. I told him we would find them again. Just as i said that I felt rain hit my face, it started to poor. Could this day get any worse.

Hope you like it .
Oh it sounds like they are in Florida, I swear to you we get a shower every afternoon, I'm so sick of the rain I want sunshine!! But hey I love the rain in the story!!!

please keep going!