Sydney and the Little Big Man

Scarlet Crystal

Bibbity Rabbity
Title: Sydney and the Little Big Man

Author: me! Anna (no co-writers)

Rating: PG -- may contain stupendous content to scare small children

Disclaimer: hey J. J. i'll buy it from u for a buck... heh heh



This story is dedicated to my trip to Ireland (which I never took). When I first met Bobo, he threatened to eat my shoes, which would have been disastrous for me. I begged and moaned for a safe release, and after a while I began to whine. Now the one thing that little leprechauns cannot stand is whining, or even sometimes bickering. So when I whined, he did 5 flips on his head and landed on his left ear (standard for angry little men; though an extra three flips may be added if the anger is toward another little man, or woman to impress and scare them). Now since I am an expert on little men like Bobo, and was then, I knew a cue to shut up when I saw one.

Obviously, Bobo was ready to make a deal. “I will not eat your shoes,” he began, “if you don’t whine.” And of course, with me being SO clever, I said “fine” and was done with it.

“But since I did catch you,” Bobo went on, “I still get SOMEthing from you.”

“And what is that?” I said without interest, loudly and obnoxiously.

“Besides no whining…” Bobo spun around once.

“Huh?” I said in confusion.

“ARG!” Bobo yelled. “You interrupted my excitement-builder!”

“Oh sorry,” I said, even though I didn’t know what he meant (and it’s probably the same with you).

“Anyway, BESIDES NO WHINING” (he spun) “YOU MUST TELL THE WORLD ABOUT ME. Here in Ireland.”

“I know just the way,” I said to Bobo confidently. So we shook hands and made the deal.

Now since you are reading this story, you are probably wondering what this has to do with Sydney. Obviously the little big man is Bobo and Sydney is Sydney. You see, to tell the world about Bobo as I promised, I decided to write a fic about him, and stick Sydney in it.

Please don’t take me seriously, or I might break my promise to Bobo… AND WHINE! :eek:

ONE note to take note of: I have not seen Bobo since (except in my dreams), and NO he doesn’t have a beard, but most definitely a pot of gold.
Chapter One: Sydney meets Bobo!

“Agent Bristow, do you copy?!” Vaughn’s voice yelled over the phone. But Sydney didn’t hear or answer him because she was momentarily knocked out after the plane crash in Ireland.

Then suddenly, back in LA, the other end of Vaughn’s phone went dead. This was because Bobo had found the cell phone and was eating it.

At this noise, Sydney woke up. “Hey!” she yelled when she noticed her half-eaten phone sticking out of Bobo’s mouth.

“Sorry, lassy,” Bobo said in his funny Irish accent. “I’ll give it back.”

“Ugh!” Sydney said when chewed pieces of her phone were spat onto the ground.

“You are welcome,” Bobo said. Then Sydney fainted.


When she woke up, Sydney was in a hammok that was definitely made for somebody smaller than herself. The first thing that she saw was dark, hard material all around her and extending below her.

After a while, Sydney recognized this dark stuff as wood and tree bark. That led her to the conclusion that she was in a tree.

“Hello, lassie,” said a voice from a ladder against the side of the outside of the tree. A face peered inside through a hole.

“Ohh,” Sydney groaned.

“No, no!” Bobo yelled. “Don’t pish again.”

“Pish?” Sydney said questioningly.

“Oh in your talk it’s ah,” Bobo said, “ah, oh yes! Fent.”

“Oh faint,” Sydney acknowledged.

“Yes fent,” Bobo said. “I’d like to know your name and tell you mine.”

“I’m Sydney,” Sydney said.

“Oh, Sinty!” Bobo said, nodding. “I knew a man named that.”

“I was kidding,” Sydney said quickly. “My name is erm… it’s, uh… oh, it’s Wimma.”

“Oh Wimma,” said Bobo. “Good.”

“So where am I?” Sydney asked.

“In a hotel room,” Bobo answered.

“A… hotel?” Sydney said in disbelief.

“Oh, yes,” Bobo cheerfully replied. “When you are better I’ll show you the rest of the town.” Sydney nodded and pished.