Sydneys clone

The men picked her up by the shoulders and handcuffed her. They dragged her out of the room, she couldn't walk her legs were tied together. One man dug and injection in her neck to stop her struggleing, she was belted into a chair, the two guards stood by the door waiting for something. A dark figure entered the room, long black flowing hair and a grin Sydney had never forgotton on her face Marie, behind her Vaughn. No it could'nt be!
WHAT?! NO! IT CAN'T BE!!! Maybe she brainwashed him!!! Or, or maybe he knew what was going to happen and he just went along with it to save her?!? AH NO! :banghead:
Marie walked over to her and run her finger around her chin, she had a smerky grin on her face and a black leather cat suit.
"See Syd, thos is my Vaughn." Marie walked back over to Vaughn and rested her head on his shoulder. The expression on Sydney's face said it all.
"Kill her!" Vaughn ordered.
The two men came over knives in thier pockets and guns over thier shoulders. This was the end, what her and Vaughn had battled for together, these past few years were nothing more than a sham. That night in London last year meant nothing. Sydney already felt dead, Vaughn had broke her heart!
This story is sooo good!

Vaughn? :tvhorror: This is wrong. Vaughn couldn't! He wouldn't! That 18 year-old did something to him!!