The Reposting of: Untitled

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so is it vaughn? is it? is it? or are my speculations wrong?
--mandy :angelic:
Ooh, I love having a secret that no one else except one other person knows! That way, it keeps people in such suspense!

~Me :angel2:
LOL you two are like having a convo. It's pretty obvious that it's Vaughn though, just from the reaction and the style you wrote it in (I've been paying far to much attention in English) it's not a Vaughn type thing. Of course, now you'll probably change the story line just to prove us all wrong.
Well nanny nanny boo boo to you too... lol j/k. Sorry I'm happy, just finished part 6! It's not my fault you ruined the surprise by being super observant. Anyhoo, here you go!
Disclaimer: Just to remind you all, since its a new page, neither Alias or DareDevil are ours. Dar de Dar.

Here's chapter 6! Keep posting you're reviews! We love em'!

Just to get back into the swing of where we are:

Matt and Vaughn silently waited for Sydney’s approach, silently hoping that she was all right, and neither expecting to see what they saw, although Matt was more prepared to see it than Vaughn was.
"Damn, the lady's fast," Bullseye remarked as he ducked behind a vent to catch his breath. Even with a gaping hole in her hand, Sydney gave chase, momentarily forgetting the enormous pain in her hand.
"Show yourself, Bullseye. You can't hide," Sydney yelled, slowing to a stop.
"Now why would I want to hide when killing you is gonna be such fun?" he said with an evil smile, standing up and facing her. Over her shoulder, however, Sydney spied two familiar heads, two rooftops away. She knew she had to get Bullseye away from them.
"Come on. Let's finish this, girly. Right here, right now."
They fought a little more, each ducking and answering with a blow, Sydney finally landing a punch, until Bullseye jumped to the roof right next to Matt and Vaughn's. She tried to distract him, but he spotted the two men right away. Matt, however, was ready to fight and jumped over onto the roof.
"Bullseye, long time no see. Now, are you going to die this time like a good dog?" Matt asked, circling the pair, readying his walking stick.
"Nay. Thanks for the offer, but I think you'll both be the ones going down today." He opened his belt and took two sharp, silver metal discs out and got into a ready stance. Matt and Elektra did the same, each readying his own weapon.
"Right then," Bullseye sneered as he lunged at Matt. Even though both Sydney and Matt were giving all they had, Bullseye seemed to be stronger, and soon he was backing them up against a wall.
During this fight Vaughn had watched in astonishment. The thing that caught his attention, however, was "Elektra" 's left hand, which had a hole in the center. He got out his gun and climbed to the rooftop where all the fighting was taking place, firing several rounds, but missing every time. Bullseye seemed to be undefeatable.
"Vaughn, get out of here!" Sydney yelled over the immense noise surrounding her.
"No! I'm not leaving you here to die!" He shot again, this time catching Bullseye's leg. Bullseye stumbled a bit, and growled at Vaughn standing forty feet away.
"Now that wasn't playing fair," he said, going after Sydney again.
"Elektra, go, I can handle this," Matt said, blocking a punch thrown by Bullseye. By then, Bullseye had gained one of Elektra's sais. However, she wasn't his intended target.
"Hmm, now I wonder who should get the honor?" he said, throwing it up and catching it blade first. He looked at Sydney and threw the sai, but he missed on purpose, throwing it clearly five feet to her left. Only until it was too late did she realize the intended target.
“I love you,” he said quietly, body crumpling to the ground. Sydney stared for one horrified moment at the limp body before rushing over and rolling him onto his back, the blood steadily puddling around his body.
“It’s been fun, but maybe we can finish this later, eh tootse?” Bullseye asked from behind her. Without waiting for an answer, he jumped off the rooftop and fled.
“No! No, no, no... you-- you can’t leave me here! You can’t leave me here by myself! Come back! Come back!” she said, shaking the lifeless body which she had gathered in her arms.
“Elektra, I’ll call for help,” the other one said in a sad voice. He knew he had lost to the man that lay dying in her arms, so he reconciled himself to that fact as he heard the monotone voice of the emergency response unit.
“Yes, a man was badly injured… (proceeds to give address…)…”
“Alright, thank you.”
“Elektra, they’ll be here in five minutes.”
“He doesn’t have five minutes. He was just trying to help, why did Bullseye have to choose him?” She looked up at the other man through streaming tears, trying unsuccessfully to hide the true love she felt for the man in her arms.
“He may not be dead yet. Look, any minute now a helicopter will come down to help him. They’ll take him to a hospital and he’ll be fine. There’s one thing, though—”
“What? What else could there possibly be?”
“We need to take the sai out of him. Elektra, if they find that, you’re as good as dead.” She sat and thought for a moment, and he could sense she had come to a conclusion even as he heard the helicopter coming near.
“Alright. But let me do it,” she said, looking down at the dying man. “I’m so sorry.”
In that moment, the sharp piece of metal which had momentarily been absorbing his pain was removed, making it feel as if his life force was being pulled out of him. However, there was a strange sensation afterwards, almost as if he felt nothing at all.
So this is what it feels like to be dead… he thought to himself.
But wait—I’m still in her arms, I can still hear her, smell her, so I can’t be dead yet?
He tried to groan to see if he was still alive, and sure enough, hearing the paramedics gasp in surprise reassured him that he was alive, barely, but he was alive. He had been given a second chance to make amends. And reparations. Now Bullseye didn’t have just two enemies who wanted payback. He had three.
“Miss, um, I’m sorry, what was your name?”
“Natchios. Elektra Natchios.”
“Miss Natchios, are you in any way related to the patient?”
“I’m… I’m his girlfriend. Have there been any new developments?”
“Yes,” the nurse said slowly, still not trusting Sydney’s “girlfriend” testimony. “But before I say, would you happen to know how he was wounded?”
“I think he was mugged and stabbed. I got there just as the robber got away. My friend came with me, he saw it too.”
“Alright, well, you’ll need to tell that to the police who are coming in later, alright?”
“So, your boyfriend is in critical condition. I’m sure you’re aware by now he’s lost a lot of blood, and even though he responded to paramedics on his way over here, we haven’t gotten any other signs of consciousness. Actually, it’s incredible he survived, considering a wound like this should have killed him.”
“What do you mean?” Sydney said, tearing her eyes away from the glass window revealing his room.
“Well, we had a young woman come in here a few years ago with the exact same injury. Only she literally died, but by some miracle the meds brought her back and she recovered. All I can tell you is, she had her guardian angel with her that day. So maybe he had his.” The nurse nodded and began to walk away, but turned when she heard another question.
“Can I see him?”
“Of course.”
Sydney approached the door, turning the handle slowly. She walked in, hands shoved in her pockets, staring at his peaceful features. He looked like an angel, her angel. She didn’t want to admit it, but in her heart, she had chosen him.
Knock Knock
“Am I allowed to come in?” he said, poking his head in the door. Sydney nodded, and he made his way over to where she was sitting.
“So how are you doing?”
“Well, on a scale of 1 to 10, not well. I do have one question, though, while he’s out—”
“Sure, go ahead. Ask me anything. Right now, I think I owe you at least that much.”
“Well, it’s just, I thought I had asked you not to bother him. So what were you two doing up on the roof?”

Matt sighed. He really didn’t want to answer her. Elektra was obviously in pain right now, and no matter what answer he gave her, she would be upset.

“You did, but I felt that we needed to talk. We didn’t exactly get off on the right foot, he and I.” Sydney moved to sit in the seat by Vaughn’s bed. He was still unconcious.

“He could have died,” Sydney whispered.

“You did die,” Matt answered.

“Matt, there are so many things that I haven’t told you about my life up to now. But this isn’t the time or the place. I owe Vaughn a lot, my life, my sanity, and then some. He’s been one of the few people who has known the real me over these past years, and he still managed to love me. Matt, I’m not a good person. He knows that, and not only does he love me, but he’s my guardian angel.” After Sydney finished, one tear spilled over. Just one, she wouldn’t allow another to fall. Matt wanted to press her for an explaination, make her explain what she meant. Just at that moment a doctor walked in the room.

“Hello, are you friends of the patient?” The doctor inquired.

“Yes,” Sydney answered.

“It seems we were a little of in our origional assesment of the situation. As the nurse told you, we had a case just like this one years back, but that one was much worse. The patient is expected to make a full recovery. There was some sligt tissue damage, but nothing major was hurt. Our greatest concern was the amount of blood lost. We have given him blood, and he’s going to be just fine. He should be allowed to be released within 48 hours of his regaining conciousness. Although his memory of the incident that caused this might be a little blurry.” Once the doctor finished explaining, Sydney let out an audible sigh of relief.

“Thank you so much,” Syney stood as she spoke to the doctor.

“You’re welcome,” The woman replied. “I haven’t seen people so devoted to their frinds in a long time, I’m glad things are going to turn out well for you.” With that the doctor left. When she was gone, Sydney addressed Matt.

“Matthew, I know you didn’t mean for this to happen. I just wish you would have listened to me.” Sydney paused, and gave an admiring glance to Vaughn.

“I’m sure he’ll wake up soon,” Matt said to comfort her.

“I know he will, he’s strong Matt. You know, in an abstract way, you two remind me a lot of each other.” Sydney said thoughtfully.

“That’s quite a compliment, thank you,” Matt replied. He didn’t say it because he admired Vaughn, he said it because it couldn’t be a bad thing to be like the guy Elektra loved.

“You’re welcome.” Sydney replied. Suddenly a thought came to her. Matt noticed her eyes light up, even though he couldn’t see them. Syney sifted through her purse, and soon found what she was looking for. She pulled it out, it was a tube of lipstick. When she opened it and sat it on the table, the sound reverberated so that Matthew could ‘see’ it.

“Lipstick?” He inquired.

“It’s a bug killer. I’ve been required to use one whenever talking about sensitive material, you never know who’s listening. You see Matthew, I’ve been working for the CIA.” Sydney proceded to tell him the whole story, starting when her father pulled her out of NYC, then being recruited to SD-6, her missions, her fiance Danny, telling him the truth and his susequent murder, finding out that SD-6 wasn’t the CIA, becoming a double agent, getting to know her father, learning that her mother was still alive, her mother turning herself in, Madagascar, Taipei, Sloane, Sark, and everyone else at the CIA. She also told him about how Vaughn had become her handler, and how she fell in love with him. Matt was awestruck.

“So, you’re real name is Sydney Bristow? And you were a double agent, but now SD-6 and the whole Alliance are gone, and you work for the CIA? Wow, Elektra, you could have been killed any of those times...” Matt drifted off. It was a lot for him to process at once. Sydney understood, and waited patiently. “Well that explains why this guy means so much to you,” Matt half mumbled, half said.

“I love him” Sydney whispered. Although it was a whisper, it was said very matter- of- factly. Matt just nodded and looked at the floor.

Sydney began to think about the situation. There wasn’t a bat in he**’s chance Bullseye was going to get away with this. How was she going to get him back? Just then her hand started to throb. In her rush to help Vaughn, she had forgotten about her stab wound, and hadn’t gotten any treatment. Matt heard her intake of breath sharpen.

“You really should get someone to look at you’re hand.” He told her.

“It’s nothing Matthew. It’s not like I haven’t been stabbed before.” The wound was not just a scratch, and Matt was bothered by the fact that she wasn’t more concerned.

“Exactly what do you mean by ‘It’s not like I haven’t been stabbed before’? That’s a lot more than a scratch Elektra, and you’re taking it way to lightly. You make it seem like injuries like that are expected, and regular occurences. Are they?” Matt demanded lightly. He didn’t like the origional idea of her constantly in the line of fire, but this made it so much more real.

“I told you my job was dangerous,” She said simply.

“Is that a yes then?” Matt asked, a little impatient now.

“Yes, the answer is yes, Matthew,” Sydney gave in. Matt shut his eyes tightly, feeling a sudden lump in his throat at what she had just said. He couldn’t be mor greatful for his tinted glasses just then, he wasn’t sure he wanted Elektra to see how much her words had hurt him. After all, he had asked her, and she told him the truth. He knew she hadn’t meant to cause him any pain. The bug killer beeped, signaling time was up. They then lasped into a less than comfortable silence, punctured only by the pulsing of Vaughn’s heart monitor.

Sydney’s thoughts shifted back to her thoughts. How could she track Bullseye? Suddenly Matthew stood up straight. He walked over to the table and picked up the bug killer. He then handed it to Sydney, motioning for her to turn it on again.

”What is it?” She asked once the killer was reactivated.

“I just remembered something. You remember that reporter who wrote about all those urban legends, including me?” Matt asked.

“Yes?” Sydney replied, her voice hinted a little confusion.

“Well, after you- were gone, he found out who I was. Since then he has sent me all the info he has on local criminals, including the remains of the Kingpin’s empire. Well the Kingpin has since been assasinated, actually not by me, but by his own people. Apparently he made a bad deal. Anyway, I remember being sent some info about the possible assasin, sketchy info about a Mr. Sark. He didn’t have a first name, I remember that because it struck me as odd.” Sydney looked at him as though he had just grown three heads. Matt of course couldn’t see that, but he did sense her heartbeat quicken quite a bit.

“That means Sark had a hand in the Kingpin’s affairs too. Oh God, they’re all connected. Sark, Sloane, Bullseye, they must all be working together.” Sydney quickly pulled out her cell phone from her bag and dialed the Ops Center.

“This is Agent Bristow, I need to speak to my father and Director Kendall at once, put them both on the line,” She demanded to the clerk who had answered the phone. Whithin 15 seconds both her father and Kendall were connected.

“What is it Agent Bristow?” Kendall demanded.

“We have a problem. Have you heard of the Kingpin in New York?”

“Yes,” Kendall snapped.

“Well as you may know, he was assasinated because of a bad deal. The athorities here think it was Sark. That means Sloane, Sark, and the remains of the Kingpin’s empire are all connected. Vaughn and I could have been made.” Jack, who had stayed silent, sensed Sydney’s panic, and cut in.

“Sydney, what do you mean? I hear beeping in the background, where are you?”

“Bullseye, the Kingpin’s former right hand man, found us. Vaughn was stabbed in the stomach, it’s not serious, he’s expected to recover fully, however at the moment he is unconicous.” Matt, being able to hear the whole conversation, cleared his throat, which Jack heard.

“Is there something else Sydney?” Jack asked.

“Oh, Matt just wanted me to tell you that I was hurt as well. Nothing serious, I was stabbed through my other hand. No different from last time, I’ll be fine,” She said quickly, not wanting her father to worry.

“Sydney get some medical attention for it. I know you’ve probably been to concerned with Agent Vaughn to care, but you really need to. I take it you found Mr. Murdock then?”

“Yes, he’s helping us ajust to the city, and also helping me figure out what to do with Vaughn unable to.”

“Alright. Sydney, be careful, don’t do anything irrational. I know you want revenge, just watch your back.” Jack warned.

“I’m not going to sit here and let them get away with this, dad.” Sydney snapped.

“Agent Bristow! You are not to react to this. Need I remind you that you two are supposed to be laying low? Under no circumstances are you to go after the people who did this, Sark or not!” Kendall yelled.

“Too late,” Sydney replied in a monotone, then hung up the phone. Matt knew how reckless she could be, and now he was becoming worried as to what Sydney was going to do.

“Elektra, exactly what do you have planned?” He asked her.

“I’m going to pay Sark and comapny a little visit. It’s my fault Vaughn was hurt, and you could have been, too. This ends now, Matthew.” Sydney stood to go. “Do me a favor? Take care of Vaughn. When they release him, take him back to my apartment. Make sure he rests.”

“Elektra, you can’t just go out and take on the world like this! You don’t stand a chance.” Matt half pleaded, half demanded.

“Then I’ll die trying. They will not hurt my loved ones anymore.” Sydney said flatly. At this point Matt knew he couldn’t change her mind. He seroisly considered dragging her to his apartment and locking her in, but he knew she would find a way out. There was no stopping her.

“Here, take this. For good luck.” Matt took off a neclace he was wearing and handed it to her. It had a charm on it that was engraved with braile. Syndey had left it for him at their special place right before her father took her away.

“You- you kept it.” Sydney said as she took it gently from his hands.

“I haven’t taken it off since I found it, Elektra.” He said earnestly. This earned him a small smile from her as she placed it around her own neck. “What do I tell Vaughn when he wakes up?” Sydney paused. What would Matt tell him? She glanced over at Vaughn’s seemingly slumbering form.

“Tell him this is something I have to do, Matthew. Tell him the truth.” She replied. She never wanted to lie to Vaughn.

“Alright, but I’m holding you personally accountable if he kills me and I get a crappy obituary in the paper,” Matt joked. Sydney chuckled lightly. She gave Matthew a kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you,” She whispered.

“Elektra?” He asked.


“Can we at least wrap your hand? You’re father was right you know.” Sdney sighed.

“All right, you win.” Matt found some black gauze and wrapped her hand.

“There you go. Now that wasn’t so bad was it?” He chided her.

“No, I guess not, thanks mom.” Sydney replied sarcastically. Matt couldn’t help but laugh. Suddnely Sydney bacame sober again. “I have to go.”

“I know. Be careful, please,” Matt partially begged.

Sydney sighed, "I just feel like there's no place for me now."

"I’ve told you this before, yes there is. Stay, stay with me." Matt pleaded.

“I can’t Matthew, not this time.” Sdney gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked out of the room. Matt hoped that it wouldn’t be the last time he’d ever see the woman he still loved. Matthew sunk into the chair that Sydney had occupied moments before, taking in the lingering smell of her. There he waited for Vaughn to wake up.
Oops, ok I see some of my spelling and grammar errs, please forgive me. *Sigh* I don't think I'll ever manage to do a post longer than a few lines that is perfect in spelling etc. Sorry again.
Okay... I think now we're just trying to top each other, spywolf. Even though you have no problem doing that, but still.

~me :angel2:
oh, and one other thing- you didn't have to quote my entire chap. usually i just quote the last few lines of your previous chap.

~Me :angel2:
I know, but I'm stupid, and it helped me to know that much when I wrote it, so I thought it might help other ppl. I am not trying to top you! These are my random ideas. You're a better writer than me anyway, Alias Elle.
No, I'm not high or delusional. You have more expirience than I do, and are a better writer. (<peroid.)
Sydney’s thoughts shifted back to her thoughts.

heh, ummm, oops. Like I said, I'm now catching all of my mistakes. I meant to say:

Sydney's mind shifted back to her thoughts.
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