
lmao lol that was sooo funny.
at first i was like huh? but then i read it again and i was like ohhhh.
poor jack
what was kendall's reaction?
will you please write more?? i know you said that you were done, but it has so much potential. wut you have already is really good!!
please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please write more

OK I just read that again, and I was like CRACKING up!! LMAO nice ending "Jack has a minor heart attack and collapses to the floor."

LMAO I know, I'm evil.
ROLFMAO!!!! that was the funniest thing ever! I love it! that's the way I talk and you completely reminded me of me!!! ha ha. short, random, often ending with something odd. that was GREAT!!!! hey, if you don't continue that one you should at least write a whole bunch more like it!!! I'll read them during class and disturb everybody and blame it on you! :P ok, yeah, I'm tired... :smiley: that was SO funny though!!!

still ROLFMAO!!! :lol: