Ways to Alias-ize Your Summer

~When you get settled next to someone on a plane,say "This is my first flight ever.I couldn't sleep last night so I memorized the FAA 747 Flight Manual."~

~(to go along with the last one,then say)"I can't take my jacket off b/c I compressed a high-glide tactical parachute in it...just in case...but don't worry b/c the belt hyper-extends so it will fit us both."~ :D :D :D
I'd do some of these, but I think my parents would either a) kick me out of the house, or b) sign me into a mental institution.
go through the phone book and find people with names related to the show. then call them up and ask for Joey's pizza

I actually did look in the phone book for ppl from the show, I found a Vaughn and a Kendall. But I didn't call anyone :blush:
Sarah Vartan @Jul 19 2003 said:
I actually did look in the phone book for ppl from the show, I found a Vaughn and a Kendall. But I didn't call anyone 

OMG!!! There's a "Jack Bristow" in my phone book!!! AHHHHH!!!! That is so weird. I mean, I guess it's not that uncommon of a name, but still! I'm so tempted to call him, but I'd bet anything that he's never even seen or heard of the show. Seems like nobody around here has.

(Bristow is an Irish name, isn't it? So does that mean Sydney is half Irish and half Russian? Maybe that's why she drinks so much... ;) )
:woot: I used to work in the office of a grocery store. We had a computer that kept track of all of the people that shopped there and their club card numbers, addresses and stuff like that. One night when I was really bored ,I looked up famous people. We had like two Jennifer Garners,some Bristows,but no Jacks or Syds. We had a couple Jennifer Lopez,too!!!! :woot: I didn't look in our phonebook...I'll have to try that!!!
jajajaja , they were so funny!!!
im so gonna try some!!
like call the family services line, or yell dont frost the pie and definitely somethinh with joey's pizza!