Welcome to the Madhouse

Three hours later, Irina was still sitting on the bed in her room. An hour after she had placed the call to the KGB, a team had arrived to question both her and Tkachev. An agent had come in to her room to discuss it with her. Irina told him about everything that had happened. The agent gave her the standard response. "Agent Derevko, are you aware that it is against agency policy for a handler to have any kind of relationship with his asset?" Irina nodded. She had heard something like that before. The agent continued, "Agent Tkachev will most likely be taken off your case, Agent Derevko." Irina nodded again, and the agent left the room.

Shortly after, she heard Tkachev leaving the apartment. The agent returned. "Another handler should arrive here tomorrow, Agent Derevko. Until that time, if you have any questions, call the agency." Irina nodded, taking the number the agent handed her. He left the room and Irina laid back on the bed. How had this happened to her?

The next day Irina woke up to the doorbell ringing. She stumbled out of bed and answered the door. "Good morning," a tall man with a beard said.

"Good morning," Irina said, opening the door a little wider. "Can I help you?"

The man slipped into the apartment and closed the door behind him. "Agent Derevko, I am Agent Kozlov. I'll be taking Agent Tkachev's place." Irina nodded. The man continued. "As Agent Tkachev's cover was as your brother, it would be impossible for me to live here. I will maintain a residence nearby. For the moment I'll be staying at the Comfort Inn a few miles away." He handed her a card with an address, a room number, and a phone number. "You will contact me there every morning at 8:00. You will also contact me there should anything important happen."

Irina nodded. "What do I tell people the reason Tkachev left is?"

"Tkachev got a new job on the east coast. He had to move suddenly to get the job." Irina nodded, knowing that Agent Kozlov would continue talking whether she showed agreement or not. "Well, Agent Derevko, it was a pleasure to meet you. I will talk to you later."

"Pleasure to meet you," Irina said, leading him to the door.

After he left, Irina took a shower and went to work. When she arrived home at 4:00, the phone was ringing.

"Hello?" she said, picking it up. She figured it was Kozlov, calling to check in on her, and was surprised to hear Arvin Sloane's voice.

"Laura. It's Arvin Sloane. I know we had plans to meet tomorrow night, but I can't wait that long to see you." Irina smiled.

"What did you have in mind?" Irina asked. She actually wanted to see Arvin. She needed to get out of the apartment.

"I was thinking we could have dinner, then maybe go out dancing, but if there's something else you'd rather do, I'm open to suggestions." Irina thought for a moment.

"Dinner and dancing sounds fantastic, Arvin."

Sloane seemed relieved. "Great. I'll pick you up around eight."

"Wonderful," Irina said, hanging up the phone. Then she grabbed the card Kozlov had given her. She picked up the phone and dialed the number. It rang three times and Kozlov picked up.

"Kozlov here," he said abrubtly.

"It's Irina Derevko," Irina said.

"Ahh, Agent Derevko. What's the matter?"

"Nothing's wrong, Agent Kozlov. Arvin Sloane just called me. We're going out tonight."

"Fine, Agent Derevko. I meant to tell you earlier that the KGB repaired the bracelet Agent Tkachev broke last night. It will be dropped off with your mail this afternoon."

"Thank you, Agent Kozlov."

"Good bye, Agent Derevko." Irina hung up the phone.
Yeah. :eek: She likes Sloane. But hey, that would explain some things later on. :P

Irina arrived back at the apartment around two in the morning. She set down her bag on the kitchen counter and spun around in the living room. She had never been dancing like that before. She threw her sweater onto the couch, then collapsed herself, smiling. She had had so much fun!

Irina woke up the next morning, still sleeping on the couch. She looked at the clock on the wall. 7:59. She sat up with a start, realizing she had a minute to call Kozlov. She ran to the kitchen and grabbed the phone, dialing the number of the hotel.

"Good morning, Agent Derevko. You're right on time."

"Good morning, Agent Kozlov." Irina wished she had had the chance to brush her teeth before she had had to call.

"Well, Agent Derevko, how did it go with Arvin Sloane last night?"

"Just fine, Agent Kozlov. I think I'm starting to gain his trust."

"Fantastic. Did you make plans again?"

"We're keeping our plans for tonight. He's invited me to his home for dinner."

"Great, Agent Derevko. Remember, you'll do whatever is necessary to gain his trust. Good luck." Agent Kozlov hung up the phone before Irina even got the chance to respond. She had no clue what he meant by whatever necessary.

After work Irina got ready, pulling her hair back into a loose bun, then slipped on a long black skirt and a sweater with a pair of black boots. She grabbed the new black purse she had been given that had a small camera in the clasp. When the KGB had found that she was entering Sloane's home, they had wanted photos.

Outside her apartment Irina flagged a taxi and gave the car the address Sloane had given her. When she got to the house, Irina was shocked. It was giant, surrounded by beautiful trees.

Sorry. That's all I have right now. I'll try to post more later this afternoon or evening. Thanks for reading!
I'm feel like everybody. She loves Sloane --> Berk !!!!

Irina have to meet and fall in love with Jack tonight. Please, please ?
we'll see what happens :P actually, im trying to find a way for irina and jack to meet. well, they've already met, but how should they get together? i think she's going to spend a little more time with sloane. i dont know whether he's going to find out the truth about her. he seems too trusting right now. any suggestions would be really helpful!!!
sorry i wasn't able to post last night. i wont be able to post today either...i have to babysit. but, i wanted to post a question and see if you guys had any ideas for what happens next.

so, how should irina's target change from sloane to jack????? should she still be in love with sloane? should sloane find out the truth about her?

any other questions/ideas that you havbe would be great
Irina rang the doorbell. A woman dressed in a black and white maid's uniform answered the door. "Good evening," she said. "Mr. Sloane is accepting his guests in the drawing room." Irina looked around the entry hall where large flower arrangements set on the exquisite wood and marble tables. Mirrors and paintings hung on the walls and a twisting mahogany staircase led to a foyer upstairs. The maid continued to stand next to Irina. "Would you like me to show you the way?" she said as Irina made no move towards the drawing room.

"Yes, please," Irina said, and the maid led her towards a set of double French doors. She opened the doors for Irina, and Irina entered the room. Three men and one other woman were sitting on couches as Arvin Sloane poured drinks at the bar. Everyone was dressed casually, so Irina did not feel underdressed. She smiled when Sloane turned, holding drinks.

"Ahh, Laura, I'm glad you could come." Irina smiled and Sloane handed the drinks to the people sitting on the couches chattering. "You remember Jack, don't you?" he said, gesturing towards a somber looking man sitting on the edge of a couch. Irina remembered him vaguely from the night she had met Sloane.

"Of course," Irina said, trying to remember Jack's last name. "Nice to see you again," she said when she couldn't remeber the name.

Sloane then gestured towards the other three sitting on the couches. "And these are some more of my friends from work. Everyone, this is Laura Ivanov. She'll be joining us for dinner tonight." Everyone smiled at Irina and she smiled back. Sloane then handed Irina a glass of red wine that he had just poured. Irina took it graciously and began sipping.

Suddenly, the maid that had answered the door for Irina opened the French doors again. She caught Sloane's eye and nodded. "My dear friends," Sloane said, "I do believe that dinner is ready. If we could please move to the dining room." He stood up, then took Irina's hand. He led her to the dining room as the others followed.

Irina let Sloane pull out a spindly chair for her, and she settled herself between Arvin and Jack. As the group settled around the table, two waiters came out carrying a tray of salads. The conversation continued as the food was set on the table. Irina began to eat, but also listened to the conversation. The group was talking about someone at work, but Irina heard them congratulating Jack on gaining leadership of a large project--something to do with Christmas. Irina was puzzled, as it was only late May.

After dinner Sloane led the group to the den where more drinks were poured and the conversation increased as people relaxed even further. Irina laughed along with them, watching the group sitting around her.