Recent content by Akhalor

  1. A

    When we colonize another planet.......

    This can be a dangerous perspective, since human beings tend to learn (when they learn) from experience. Thus, time spent studying the past is well spent, if we are willing to learn from it. Had investment bankers on Wall Street studied the 1920s more closely, they would have seen that excessive...
  2. A

    How many of you are first timers with forums when you signed up with CoolSciFi?

    I used to do a lot more online forums, but after a while the ones I was visiting all got eaten up with the same tired arguments between the same tired people, and I lost interest. Now I'm much mote picky about the places I post and visit. :)
  3. A

    The CoolSciFi Gender Poll

    I've been rereading Julie Phillips' biography of James Tiptree Jr. and she does a nice job describing how Tiptree/Alice Sheldon demolished the idea that men and women write differently. But another question is the one being asked here: do we prefer male or female protagonists? There does...
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    Ten of the Kinkiest Science Fiction Books You'll Ever Read

    Heh. That is seriously Freudian... ;)
  5. A

    Let's hear your take on this...

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin ate it all... :D I do like Wallace and Gromit. And wererabbits...
  6. A

    Let's hear your take on this...

    I'm still dealing with the emotional fallout of learning that the moon isn't made of green cheese... :D
  7. A

    Who would be the worst enemy?

    True. Although Smith became more than a villain; he was a walking, conniving, hilarious plot device. Most of the time bad things happened to the Robinsons not because he was trying to do them harm, but because he was a conniving, greedy trickster. He made that show worth watching. :rolleyes:
  8. A

    As Usual...

  9. A

    Who would be the worst enemy?

    I'm glad they didn't; Dr. Smith was a brilliant comic creation, and made the show worth watching. And he had one secret weapon that ensured his survival: namely that the Robinsons were just plain jaw-dropping, mind-bogglingly stupid. I love the Daleks; Exterminate! Exterminate!
  10. A

    As Usual...

    As usual, I go about things backwards. First I post stuff, then I notice the "Introduce Yourself" board. Hi, I'm Akhalor, and I'm a SF junkie... :p
  11. A

    Who would be the worst enemy?

    But the personality cult is part of the problem; we've mixed the issues and the personalities, so it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. When you elevate a public figure to impossible heights (as many of my liberal friends did with Bill Clinton and my conservative friends did...
  12. A

    When we colonize another planet.......

    We're from Remulak... a small city in France...:D
  13. A

    Ten of the Kinkiest Science Fiction Books You'll Ever Read

    It occurred to me that if you want kink, you could also look at a lot of the work of Heinlein, who had incest stories, a really weird gender-swap with spanking in I will Fear No Evil, and a fascinating new take on time travel and masturbation in All You Zombies.
  14. A

    Who would be the worst enemy?

    Governor Palin is simply the name that was on the poll. You could have said "American Politicians" and I would have said the same thing. The trouble is that at least since 1980 and the rise of Reagan Conservatism (and even before, if you look at the counter-culture of the 1960s and the...