Recent content by ChemicalKicks

  1. ChemicalKicks

    Data folder and CDN/No cookie domains

    Speaking from experience, once you go down that road it does add extra complication to configuration especially if you're doing it with multiple sites.
  2. ChemicalKicks

    Data folder and CDN/No cookie domains

    Hey Kevin, I started a thread about this a while ago on xf, here's the important info :)
  3. ChemicalKicks

    Data folder and CDN/No cookie domains

    Glad it's all working for me :) PC me your link, you should see some of the threads on mine lol
  4. ChemicalKicks

    Problem installing games

    I'm guessing so :)
  5. ChemicalKicks

    Data folder and CDN/No cookie domains

    D.O.A. can you send me your link?
  6. ChemicalKicks

    Suggested NginX vhost conf

    Here's the basics of what is working for SneakyDave, note he's got some extra stuff going on with his set up so you would really need to look at all the paths and make sure they're applicable to you. server { listen; server_name
  7. ChemicalKicks

    Data folder and CDN/No cookie domains

    Try something similar to this. $config['externalDataPath'] = 'data'; $config['externalDataUrl'] = ''; $config['javaScriptUrl'] = ''; Note my main URL is The Self Preservation Society. Try putting just 'data' in the external data path.
  8. ChemicalKicks

    Suggested NginX vhost conf

    The basic premise of the vhost is in the first post of this thread, you should use that as a base for any xf install. Things become complicated though when you have multiple applications installed on the same domain. The short answer is that I don't have a neat solution for you. I could share...
  9. ChemicalKicks

    Suggested NginX vhost conf

    D.O.A. on your own forum, what happens if you go to the following urls These are assuming XenForo is in the root public folder, change the paths as required. Only reason I ask is because if you're using the vhost as outlined on...
  10. ChemicalKicks

    Suggested NginX vhost conf

    hehe I'm going through your config at the moment trying to cut the fat Link though :)
  11. ChemicalKicks

    Suggested NginX vhost conf

    Do me a favour can you PM me your site so I can get a feel for what's going on? Are you NginX php5fpm?
  12. ChemicalKicks

    Suggested NginX vhost conf

    Hey Dave, having a think about this...
  13. ChemicalKicks

    Stock arcade games not saving high scores or history

    Cave, try the suggestion I made in the other thread.
  14. ChemicalKicks

    Suggested NginX vhost conf

    Dave, I believe yours isn't working because you're missing the try_files directive that you can see in my example on line 14. Backup your current installation before attempting the change. You need to insert try_files $uri /community/index.php =404; Let me know how you get on.