Recent content by Malak

  1. Malak


    Well, considering you give me the above advice then plug your e-books makes me question your advice to begin with.
  2. Malak


    Great advice. Thank-you very much I will look into both epub sites.
  3. Malak


    I see alot of you are getting out there with self-publishing. I'm looking to have my manuscript complete by August. My question is: where do I start in actually publishing? I appreciate any advice
  4. Malak

    Will current gase pricess kill the SUV?

    We're already seeing SUV's being "chopped" down to cross-over choices. But, just like anything else useless, the rich will keep SUV's rolling.
  5. Malak


    Anyone here self-published using Amazon's Createspace? I'm looking into it and from what I can tell it seems like a solid venture. Just wanted to know what some opinions are. Thanks