Recent content by Nadia_Santos

  1. N

    M.Vartan's french voice

    Thanks to all of you. Merci à tous. Gracias a todos. Susana: De nade. Es bueno tambien que practico un poco mi español porque estudio ingles todo el dia en la universidad y es dificil de hablar español ahora. Cambian la voz de Victor Garber en Alias?! Estupidos! No es logico, pero... ahhh...
  2. N

    M.Vartan's french voice

    Hey there! First I sincerely apologize if this message is not supposed to be here. I did not quite know if this is the good place for it, but I'm sure our beloved moderators will move it to some other section if it's not ro be here. :P This is what I read on VartanHo and several Alias french...
  3. N

    *Let's speak french*

    Je crois qu'on est toutes à la même enseigne! :P Ca doit être une mode parmi les profs de donner des partiels impossibles. Hier, j'ai eu un partiel de Littérature Américaine et les profs nous ont posé des questions de cours soit-disantes en rapport avec les cours (+ un commentaire de textes)...
  4. N

    Eurovision Song Contest

    Well, it's always fun to watch. :P Even if Ukraine's song was not *fantastic*, I think the singer had energy and voice enough to put some ambiance. ;) But once again, I was extremely disappointed by the oh so political reactions of some countries. I won't give further explanations, I think you...
  5. N

    *Let's speak french*

    @ tout le monde: merci de l'accueil! Ca me fait très plaisir. Tout le monde a l'air très sympa ici et je sens que ça va être bien. :) @ ginny: En fait, je suis en Licence L2 (deuxième année quoi!) mais le niveau est trèèèèès élevé (enfin, tous les étudiants doivent se dire ça...). Ca doit être...
  6. N

    *Let's speak french*

    Coucou! Tu sais quoi, sur le site Alias Communauté, il y a toute une section du site consacrée à David Anders et Mr Sark : D.A.rk | David Anders alias Mr Sark. Et bien je suis la co-webmistress de ce site avec Bluebird d'Alias Communauté! Pour une coincidence! :lol: Mais à ce que je vois, tu...
  7. N

    *Let's speak french*

    Bonjour! Je viens de m'inscrire sur parce que je trouve le forum très animé et extrêmement complet! Je suis très contente de voir qu'il y ait un 'topic' en français ici, ça permet de mieux nous connaître entre français/françaises. Merci à Marie de me l'avoir indiqué. ;) Petite...
  8. N

    where in the world r u?

    I'm from France, and more especially from the region of the tartiflette! :P :P
  9. N

    Season 5 Bill Vaughn

    Actually this is what I read on the internet: <!--spoilerbs--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>SPOILER </td></tr><tr><td id='SPOILER'><!--spoilerbe-->Bill Vaughn was apprently a member of the followers of Rambaldi, just like Irina and...
  10. N

    Hey there

    Thanks for all your kind words. I see there's a lot of people here, and much to read actually... :)
  11. N

    David Anders

    Well, you know, even if I prefered his previous haircut (the one in season2), Sark is still so sexy. Because being sexy is about the attitude, not the haristyle... No matter if he's bold or if his hair is green (I'm just kidding, that would be horrible) Sark will still be the smart guy with...
  12. N

    Hey there

    Hey there! I'm new here and I hope I'll be able to post as often as I could on this fantastic message board filled with plenty of information... Just to present myself: I'm french and I work on a french website about Alias. I don't know if I can 'advertise' :lol: for the website I work on, so...
  13. N

    Season 5 The prophecy

    Hey there! That's my first post here so try to be nice! :P I'm sure you will. This site rocks!! I hope no one ever told this or I'll feel stupid... This is a speculation I made while seeing the latest 3.21 Legacy promo pictures... On these pictures, Sloane injects green liquid into Nadia's...