Recent content by Pectabyte

  1. P

    Plugging my Book: The Amaranth.

    Hey guys, Well its time I Plug my book here. Its title "The Amaranth" and is being published by Xlibris publishing. Here's the Facebook page. Click the link and like the page! The Amaranth's Facebook "The Helix was created to revolutionize the way we communicate, connect and...
  2. P

    E.T. sequel?

    They're really reaching for ideas these days...
  3. P

    The Walking Dead: Series 2

    They couldn't have written a better mid season finale. Ending it with Daryl and Meryl in the same room accused of treason was incredible. ... ... But if they kill Daryl im done watching hahah
  4. P

    The 0th Dimension

    Hey there. What else have you written? Anything published in paper back?
  5. P

    Hello world.

    Hey guys, Just introducing myself. My name is Pectabyte and I'm a Sci-Fi enthusiast and soon to be Author. I've worked in Video Games and Mobile UI for the last few years o I'm looking forward to adding to my resume! Check out my stuff at