Recent content by sylveria

  1. sylveria

    The Fall of Stal-Hagen

  2. sylveria

    New Feature Article!

    This is a fabulous article! Thank you very much for taking the time to write it and lay out all the graphics. Really stellar job! /applause
  3. sylveria

    A sign from above!!!

    Oh, thank goodness. I was beginning to get anxious myself!! :p
  4. sylveria

    RPG Vault # 29

    Some of our posting timetables are being adjusted :)
  5. sylveria

    Role-Playing & Rewards

    Yeah, we like the idea of allowing players to reward each other for really good RP. And we like rewarding players for really good RP, too. We're strange that way :)
  6. sylveria

    The different don't get rewarded

    The Order of the Garter is an old, chivalric order of Knights. Their color happens to be blue. I can see rewards for doing something differently, but more difficulty isn't necessarily a good thing. But when you suggest "differently," what do you mean? How many possible differences should an...
  7. sylveria

    What is the =maximum= that you'd be willing to pay for a game?

    As long as no one says anything mean about Hummers any more, I will forgive you :P
  8. sylveria

    Simutronics: Good?

    To tell you the truth, we don't see HJ and HE as two separate items. An innovation in one spurs growth for the other. Yes, we can license the HE part, but it is so integral to the building of HJ that the time taken to make HE better simply makes HJ better, too...
  9. sylveria

    Simutronics: Good?

    We have indeed been busy working on tweaks and additions to both Hero's Journey and the Hero Engine, and we are extremely proud of the results for both...they were well worth the wait for everyone involved. The internal development cycle is in full swing, resulting in gobs of discussions...
  10. sylveria

    What is the =maximum= that you'd be willing to pay for a game?

    Since we're on the subject of test-driving games,it would only be fair to mention that most MMOs offer free trials that allow you to download a game and play it before you make the commitment to buy the box. You can't get all the bells and whistles on a trial account, but you can get a sense of...
  11. sylveria

    What is the =maximum= that you'd be willing to pay for a game?

    ::blink:: ::blink blink:: ::blink blink blink:: ::or a Hummer::
  12. sylveria

    What is the =maximum= that you'd be willing to pay for a game?

    (frantically looks up whether killing birds is in the "approved" category)
  13. sylveria

    Public Execution

    Gemstone had their notorious jailhouse (with trial), DragonRealms had stocks in town (with rotten tomato-throwing). It would be safe to say that some of us find this kind of thing...rather...appealing.
  14. sylveria

    Quick Question

    Step away from our cage and nobody gets hurt...
  15. sylveria


    It's the Neiman Marcus Quest, where everyone's required to pay extra but the content is top-notch :p