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  • Freaks (2018) was much better than I anticipated.
    Mutant superpowers - Good Movie!
    Space Sweepers 2021 was intense space scifi adventure (Korean/USA joint film project).
    Escape Plan 3: The Extractors was tolerable but not as good as the first two
    I think Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow because he couldn't see his shadow, he needs glasses.

    We need to get together and send our old eyeglasses to:

    Punxsutawney Phil
    C/O The Borough of Punxsutawney
    Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania 15767

    Drive Safe and keep warm!
    As a PA resident... this could explain a lot! 🤣
    Cleaning out the junk closet - found 23 pairs of 3d movie glasses - gotta remember to take them for recycle when I see Godzilla.
    Got the first draft set of Christmas movies ready for December 1st
    Halfway thru Shocktober and still 105 horror movies yet to rewatch.
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