Recent content by Winifred

  1. W

    My Life

    ooooh! Yay!!! My Life is updates again ... those this is ages and ages ago ... but this along with You Give Love a Bad Name is one of my all time faves!!! so HUGE Yippieee!
  2. W


    hey Zoey ! so ... this is a little late ... but at least I am replying right? so first a general thing ... this is really getting better and better - it might be my favourite fic of yours ... actually I am a bit excited about this last job they have to do .... and just know something is...
  3. W

    On The Nile

    you cannot force me to leave reviews! ha! great chapt!!! and poor poor Irina all stressed out ... I am still curious about hust how she got to Egypt 4000 BC ... (approx.)
  4. W


    Zoey! how can you just leave us there!? I am getting very close to start writing you angry PMs! and this is really getting really really really gooooood!!!!!definitely my favourite fic of yours! and when are we getting that next update!?
  5. W

    On The Nile

    ... hey Sierra .. you never did tell you posted it! looks good so far also an interesting setting you come up with! cannot wait to read more!
  6. W


    ZZZZOOOOOEEEEYYYYY!!!!!!!! nooooooo!! and I loved this chapter - in spite what happened to poor Kathryn ... Also I would liek to note: She's sooo busted! (she being Sydney) and btw - I'm first and sorry about the lack of PMs lately...
  7. W

    Falling To Deep. .

    ... haven't I mentioned countless (not really but not important here) times that I'm not good with cliffhangers?! and then that one ... NOOOOOO!!!!! the last couple of chapters have been just wonderful, so no worries... and I promise I will remember to be more reviewing from now on (when...
  8. W


    ... oooh - update today, Sierra?? *excited*
  9. W

    Spy Girls

    ... do you guys really want the explanation for that ... or should I just keep it to shut and bitch along??
  10. W

    Spy Girls

    ... I'm just amazed on how many people actually do the confirmation thing - if I follow the main religion in the country I should be an offspring of the lutheranean .... but I'm sticking to good ole atheism ... no deity exists and all that... we have to do an exam project on theoretical music...
  11. W

    Spy Girls

    hi peeps! sorry about the absence... some how school midterms and extra chem class(es) does that to you ... funny eh? ...on the wii thing (which is over and done - i know) ... they really are that fun and cool!!! a friend of mine and her boyfriend got one.. - and there's only 38 days of...
  12. W


    ... so ... review ... erhm ... well ... As you already know I really did like this chapter and her reaction to Weiss's comment and then the whole aftermath thing ... and this concludes my still crappy reviewing skills ... sorry again Sierra ... (give me a cliffhanger to be less than...
  13. W

    Spy Girls

    ... uf! what is about actually doing lectures on safe trips through the medical system and to hospitals, on your weekends, that just kills you?! I know about all the take responsibility for yourself - and you need to help the social/medical personnel do their job ... but come on I come there...
  14. W

    Spy Girls

    ... nice top - look like one that would be absolutey gorgeous with a short skirt... and just how could I forget we have midterms next week - how?! How!? I'm nowhere prepared to deal with midterms yet! this is all going to end so horribly horribly wrong... !
  15. W

    Spy Girls

    everybody going to apply for co-writing and then have a vote??? (... sick sense of humour always occur while doing excessive reading....) and anybody in here Muslim? just by chance?