Fantasy Movies Exploring Fantasy of Actual Science


An Old Friend
I need a bit of help on this one. I am trying to come up with a movie playlist that lists movies that depict real science but are of a Fantasy nature. "That's Easy!" you say. Well, not really.

Science Fiction is based on a fantasy tale of real science or possible science. The genres of Science Fiction and Fantasy are often blurred and many movies have elements of both. I'm looking for examples of New actual science facts portrayed in old fantasy movies.

Here is an example:
From the Earth to the Moon (1958)

In 1958 mankind had never actually stepped on the Moon. The concept, by Jules Verne in 1865, was considered a fantasy until we actually made the trip in 1969 with the Apollo 11 mission.
In 1969, Verne's Fantasy tale became a reality when science actually caught up with fantasy.
This novel is listed as science fiction but at the time there was no actual science and no actual progress being made to achieve the task.
I'm also looking for Fantasy movies that depict examples of fantasy that are now known as science fact. Considering that fiction is something based on Not Fact, even some science fiction movies have elements of fantasy. My playlist will explore those elements of fantasy before they became actual science fact.

Here is an example of a fantasy element in a movie still considered to be Fantasy but had actual science fact demonstrated in reality at the same time.
The Wizard of Oz (1939)

In 1939, the Wizard of Oz depicted a TinMan as the woodcutter. A character in the fictional Land of Oz created by American author L. Frank Baum. Baum's Tin Woodman first appeared in his classic 1900 book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. In 1939, the humanoid robot known as Elektro was debuted at the 1939 New York World's Fair. Seven feet tall (2.1 m) and weighing 265 pounds (120.2 kg), it could walk by voice command, speak about 700 words (using a 78-rpm record player), smoke cigarettes, blow up balloons, and move its head and arms. The body consisted of a steel gear, cam and motor skeleton covered by an aluminum skin. The idea of an actual working, moving & communicating robotic man was considered fantasy until it became fact.
This is a tricky one tho.
The TinMan in OZ and Elektro are not the same thing. The TinMan depicted a truly mechanical man with all the cognative and physical abilities of a real person. Right now, as far as I know, This has not been achieved in reality...yet. Therefore, the TinMan is still an element of Fantasy, for the time being.
Another potential playlist item could be where a movie depicts a fantasy that incorrectly corresponds to new science fact. An example of this might be:

Altered States (1980)

In the movie, it depicts a man using regression thearapy in an isolation tank to reawaken ancient DNA traits resulting in deevolution of himself to primitive man.
In 2006, Gene manipulation caused a chicken embryo to develop teeth. Scientists have now grown dinosaur legs on chickens and mutated their beaks into dinosaur - like snouts.
While not exacyly the same scenario, the actual science is approaching the feat with gene regression.
Its clear I have a difficult task ahead of me that will require quite a bit of research to complete. That is why I am asking for help with my playlist.