[ If you are using vBadvanced CMPS then please see this thread. ]
I was asked to create a vBPortal version of the CMPS Tag Cloud module so a little bit later I have a working block ready to go. Note that I have this pegged as version 1.0.0 because I'm new to vBPortal and am not familiar enough with it to have it do some more advanced stuff but this is a good starting point for future revisions (that are already being worked on). Thanks goes out to scotmist for hooking me up with a copy of vBPortal to test with!
Please let me know if you have any problems or questions that I can address.
Step #1 - Create a New Template
Step #2 - Create a New vBPortal Block
Below the instruction reference the Jig module since that is the default module when you do a fresh install of vBPortal. Your module may be named differently.
Regular visitors should see (click on thumb to preview)...
View attachment 53
... while people with permissions to delete tags should see (click on thumb to preview):
View attachment 52
I was asked to create a vBPortal version of the CMPS Tag Cloud module so a little bit later I have a working block ready to go. Note that I have this pegged as version 1.0.0 because I'm new to vBPortal and am not familiar enough with it to have it do some more advanced stuff but this is a good starting point for future revisions (that are already being worked on). Thanks goes out to scotmist for hooking me up with a copy of vBPortal to test with!
Please let me know if you have any problems or questions that I can address.
Step #1 - Create a New Template
- From your AdminCP select Styles & Templates => Style Manager => {Select your parent style} => Add New Template.
- Title = vbp_portal_zointstags_tagcloud
- Template =
<!-- Zoints Tag Cloud for vBPortal by vBulletinUsers.com --> <div align="center" class="smallfont" style="padding: 1em"> <form action="$vboptions[bburl]/tags/" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]" /> <input type="text" class="bginput" name="search" value="" size="<if condition="$mods[modcol]==1">40<else />20</if>" /><if condition="!$mods[modcol]==1"><br /></if> <input type="submit" class="button" value="$vbphrase[zointstags_search_tags]" /> </form> <div> <br /> <if condition="$tagcloud">$tagcloud<else />$vbphrase[zointstags_no_tag_found]</if> </div> <if condition="$mod_options['cv_ztp_show_maincloud'] == 1"> <div align="center"> <br /> <a href="$vboptions[bburl]/tags/">[ $vbphrase[zointstags_zoints_tags] ]</a> </div> </if> </div> <!-- /Zoints Tag Cloud for vBPortal by vBulletinUsers.com -->
Step #2 - Create a New vBPortal Block
- Go into your PortalCP and select Block Manager => Default Center Blocks => Add New Block.
- Block Type = PHP
- Block Title = Zoints Thread Tags
- Link =
- Default Weight = 2
- Templates = Yes
- Content =
global $db, $vbphrase; $mods['modcol'] = "1"; $mod_options['cv_ztp_show_maincloud'] = "1"; $mod_options['cv_ztp_showtags'] = "30"; $mod_options['cv_ztp_color1'] = "rgb(58, 140, 164)"; $mod_options['cv_ztp_color2'] = "rgb(115,93,109)"; $mod_options['cv_ztp_color3'] = "rgb(209,16,16)"; $mod_options['cv_ztp_color4'] = "rgb(186,33,38)"; // get special phrase groups $phrasegroups = array( 'forum' ); $tagsurl = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/tags'; switch ($vbulletin->options['zointstags_urltype']) { # /index.php/ case 1: $tagsurl .= '/index.php'; if (preg_match("#index\.php(/[^/]+/)((\d+)/)?$#i", getenv('REQUEST_URI'), $matches)) { $_REQUEST['tag'] = $_GET['tag'] = $matches[1]; $_REQUEST['do'] = 'tag'; } break; # url rewrite, add nothing case 2: if (!empty($_REQUEST['tag'])) { $_REQUEST['do'] = 'tag'; $_REQUEST['tag'] = utf8_decode($_REQUEST['tag']); } break; # url param default: $tagsurl .= '/index.php?tag='; if (!empty($_REQUEST['tag'])) { $_REQUEST['do'] = 'tag'; } break; } # get visible forumids for permissions $visible = array(); foreach ($vbulletin->forumcache as $forumid => $forum) { $forumperms = $vbulletin->userinfo['forumpermissions']["$forumid"]; if ((!($forumperms & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_forumpermissions['canview']) AND !$vbulletin->options['showprivateforums']) OR !$forum['displayorder'] OR !($forum['options'] & $vbulletin->bf_misc_forumoptions['active'])) { continue; } $visible[] = $forumid; } if (!count($visible)) { $visible = array(0); } if (!$mod_options['cv_ztp_showtags']) { $mod_options['cv_ztp_showtags'] = 30; } $max = 1; $min = 1; # get the most popular tags to form the cloud $tags = array(); $_tags = $db->query_read(" SELECT zoints_tag.tag, COUNT(*) count FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "zoints_tag zoints_tag LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread thread ON(zoints_tag.threadid = thread.threadid) WHERE thread.forumid IN(" . implode(',', $visible) . ") " . (!empty($search) ? "AND tag LIKE '%" . $db->escape_string($search) . "%'" : '') . " " . (!$vbulletin->options['zointstags_show_autogen'] ? 'AND autogen != 1' : '') . " GROUP BY zoints_tag.tag ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT " . $mod_options['cv_ztp_showtags'] ); $count = $db->num_rows($_tags); while ($tag = $db->fetch_array($_tags)) { $tags[$tag['tag']] = $tag['count']; $max = max($tag['count'], $max); $min = min($min, $tag['count']); } $max -= $min; $max = max(1, $max); ksort($tags); $show['zointstags_delete'] = ($vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['adminpermissions'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp_adminpermissions['cancontrolpanel'] ? true : false); $tagcloud = ''; $firsttag = true; foreach ($tags as $tag => $count) { $size = 100 + round(($count-$min) / $max * 100); $color = ''; if ( $size > 100 and $size <= 120 and $mod_options['cv_ztp_color1']) $color='color:' . $mod_options['cv_ztp_color1']; if ( $size > 120 and $size <= 140 and $mod_options['cv_ztp_color2']) $color='color:' . $mod_options['cv_ztp_color2']; if ( $size > 140 and $size <= 160 and $mod_options['cv_ztp_color3']) $color='color:' . $mod_options['cv_ztp_color3']; if ( $size > 160 and $mod_options['cv_ztp_color4']) $color='color:' . $mod_options['cv_ztp_color4'] . '; font-weight:bold'; if ($color) { $size .= '%; ' . $color; } $tag_clean = str_replace(' ', '-', $tag); eval('$tagcloud .= "' . fetch_template('zointstags_tagcloud_tag') . '";'); $firsttag = false; } // ### Update the template to have the path qualified ### $tagcloud = str_replace('"tags/', '"' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/tags/', $tagcloud); /* ### Do any cleanup; this is in case somebody has enabled colors in the portal module but did not change the stock template. We could've made a copy of the 'zointstags_tagcloud_tag' template for this module but we believe in trying to use as much of the stock vendor's templates as possible (because it makes it easier for subsequent upgrades, etcetera. If the color options are made part of the stock Zoints tag product in the future then we can eliminate all of the one-off code in this script. ### */ $tagcloud = str_replace(')%"', ')"', $tagcloud); $tagcloud = str_replace('bold%', 'bold', $tagcloud); eval('$block_content = "' . fetch_template('vbp_portal_zointstags_tagcloud') . '";'); return $block_content;
- Limit Result = 0
Below the instruction reference the Jig module since that is the default module when you do a fresh install of vBPortal. Your module may be named differently.
- From your PortalCP select Module Management => Module Manager => Jig => Edit Module.
- While view the Jig module select Center Column => Edit the block layout.
- You will see two sections, the top section being blocks that are active in the module and the bottom section being blocks that are inactive in the module. Scroll to the bottom of the bottom section and you should see a new listing titled Zoints Thread Tags. Check the "Insert" box on and then click on the Insert Blocks button at the very bottom.
Regular visitors should see (click on thumb to preview)...
View attachment 53
... while people with permissions to delete tags should see (click on thumb to preview):
View attachment 52