Title: Doctor Who
Genre: Action & Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Creator: Sydney Newman, Russell T Davies, Donald Wilson, C. E. Webber
Overview: The Doctor and friends travel from the dawn of human history to distant alien worlds. And everywhere they go, they find adventure, terror...
Title: Doctor Who
Genre: Drama, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Creator: Sydney Newman, Verity Lambert, Donald Wilson, C. E. Webber
Cast: Sylvester McCoy
First aired: 1963-11-23
Overview: The adventures of The Doctor, a time-traveling humanoid alien known as a Time Lord. He...
Title: NCIS: Sydney
Genre: Crime, Drama, Action & Adventure
Creator: Morgan O'Neill
Cast: Olivia Swann, Todd Lasance, Sean Sagar, Tuuli Narkle, Mavournee Hazel, William McInnes
First aired: 2023-11-10
Overview: The brilliant and eclectic team of U.S. NCIS Agents and the Australian...
Title: Halo
Genre: Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Creator: Kyle Killen, Steven Kane
Cast: Pablo Schreiber, Natascha McElhone, Jen Taylor, Yerin Ha, Charlie Murphy, Shabana Azmi, Danny Sapani, Olive Gray, Kate Kennedy, Natasha Culzac, Bentley Kalu, Bokeem Woodbine
First aired...
Title: The Rocketeer
Tagline: An Ordinary Man Forced to Become An Extraordinary Hero.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Family
Director: Joe Johnston
Cast: Billy Campbell, Jennifer Connelly, Alan Arkin, Timothy Dalton, Paul Sorvino, Terry O'Quinn, Ed Lauter, Jon Polito...
Title: Tron
Tagline: A world inside the computer where man has never been. Until now.
Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Adventure
Director: Steven Lisberger
Cast: Jeff Bridges, Bruce Boxleitner, David Warner, Cindy Morgan, Barnard Hughes, Dan Shor, Peter Jurasik, Tony Stephano, Craig...
Title: Ahsoka
Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Action & Adventure
Creator: Dave Filoni
Cast: Rosario Dawson, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Eman Esfandi, Lars Mikkelsen, Ivanna Sakhno, Ray Stevenson, Diana Lee Inosanto, David Tennant, Wes Chatham
First aired: 2023-08-23...