
  1. Kevin

    🤖 Is Imagebot working?

    Hey, Robby, you out there?
  2. Kahuna

    🤖 imagebot is alive?

    @Robby what is the current weather in Hawaii? @ImageBot photo of Hawaii beach at sundown
  3. Kevin

    🤖 ImageBot Testing again...

    @Robby you out there? @ImageBot robot
  4. Kevin

    🤖 ImageBot Testing

    Just testing.... bots, bots, bots everywhere! 🤣
  5. Kevin

    🤖 When is the next SpaceX launch?

    When is the next SpaceX launch scheduled and from where will it be viewable?
  6. Kahuna

    🤖 Tiki Movies

    What are some good tiki movies?
  7. Kahuna

    🤖 Who is Groovy Greg?

    In Tiki pop culture who is Groovy Greg?
  8. Bella

    🤖 When is the new GGD album coming out?

    When is the new Goo Goo Dolls album coming out? Are they going on tour?
  9. Kevin

    Announcements New toy.... "Ask a Bot! 🤖"

    If you have been curious about how smart ChatGPT is, we have a new toy for you to play with! Can you stump an "AI"? When you create a new thread in the "Ask a Bot! 🤖" forum it will be automatically responded to by our in-house Robby powered by...
  10. Kevin

    🤖 Meatloaf Song Lyrics

    What is the one thing that Meatloaf won't do for love?
  11. Kevin

    🤖 Are you alive?

    Can we call you Johnny Five?