Title: The Tank
Tagline: Some families have secrets.
Genre: Horror
Director: Scott Walker
Cast: Luciane Buchanan, Matt Whelan, Jaya Beach-Robertson, Mark Mitchinson, Ascia Maybury, Holly Shervey, Graham Vincent, Jack Barry, Zara Nausbaum, Coco White, Francesca Eglinton, Jatinder...
Title: Island Zero
Tagline: Every thing needs to eat.
Genre: Horror
Director: Josh Gerritsen
Cast: Laila Robins, Teri Reeves, Matthew Wilkas, Stephanie Atkinson, Adam Wade McLaughlin, Elaine Landry, Anabel Graetz, Richard Sewell, Joanna Clarke, Anna Gravél, Robin Jones
Title: Underwater
Tagline: 7 miles below the ocean surface something has awakened
Genre: Action, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
Director: William Eubank
Cast: Kristen Stewart, Vincent Cassel, Mamoudou Athie, T. J. Miller, John Gallagher Jr., Jessica Henwick, Gunner Wright, Fiona...