What foods do you combine that taste good together for you?
Do you experiment?
Do you see someone else do it and decide to try it?
Is it a combination handed down by family tradition?
I like ketchup on my sweet corn.
Ever put malt vinegar on your french fries?
I once new a woman that liked...
This Unicorn shows the effects of improper toilet posture and how it can affect your health. Squatty Potty.
I don't know why but this makes me hungry for some rainbow ice cream.
What are some foods that you eat out of season?
Not just fruits & vegetables, entrees, snacks and whole dinners too?
I like making a whole turkey in the summer, not just for dinner, I love leftover turkey.
I'm thinking of making a batch of pickled eggs. Pickled eggs are a spring snack for...
Making some sandwiches this weekend and I realized that Mrs. Kevin and I have different ideas of sandwich making. In particular, how they should be cut.
Personally I like the corner-to-corner slice when making sandwiches on bread. Hoagies and cheesesteaks, of course, are cut in the middle but...