Title: Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire
Tagline: Rise together or fall alone.
Genre: Science Fiction, Action, Adventure
Director: Adam Wingard
Cast: Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, Dan Stevens, Kaylee Hottle, Alex Ferns, Fala Chen, Rachel House, Ron Smyck, Chantelle Jamieson, Greg...
Title: Underwater
Tagline: 7 miles below the ocean surface something has awakened
Genre: Action, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller
Director: William Eubank
Cast: Kristen Stewart, Vincent Cassel, Mamoudou Athie, T. J. Miller, John Gallagher Jr., Jessica Henwick, Gunner Wright, Fiona...
A volcanic explosion off the Irish coast brings a prehistoric beast out of its undersea abode, whereupon enterprising entrepreneurs set about to capture and display the six-storey phenomenon to the public in London. Just one "small" problem: this is a baby--and Momma comes to town looking for her.
Title: Pacific Rim
Tagline: To fight monsters, we created monsters.
Genre: Action, Science Fiction, Adventure
Director: Guillermo del Toro
Cast: Charlie Hunnam, Rinko Kikuchi, Idris Elba, Max Martini, Clifton Collins Jr., Ron Perlman, Charlie Day, Burn Gorman, Robert Kazinsky, Robert...