Title: Beckoning the Butcher
Tagline: Some things are best left in the shadows.
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Dale Trott
Cast: Damien E. Lipp, Stephanie Mauro, Sophie Wright, Tristan Barr, Tilly Legge, Lliam Murphy
Release: 2013-11-23
Runtime: 80
Plot: Beckoning...
Title: The Devil and Father Amorth
Tagline: In 1973, he brought us the film classic. 45 years later, director William Friedkin brings us the real thing.
Genre: Documentary, Horror
Director: William Friedkin
Cast: William Friedkin, Gabriele Amorth
Release: 2018-04-20
Runtime: 68...
Title: Bride of Chucky
Tagline: Chucky gets lucky.
Genre: Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Director: Ronny Yu
Cast: Jennifer Tilly, Brad Dourif, Katherine Heigl, Nick Stabile, Gordon Michael Woolvett, Alexis Arquette, John Ritter, Lawrence Dane, Michael Louis Johnson, James Gallanders, Janet...
Title: Happy Death Day
Tagline: Get up. Live your day. Get killed. Again.
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Comedy
Director: Christopher Landon
Cast: Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, Ruby Modine, Rachel Matthews, Billy Slaughter, Charles Aitken, Jimmy Gonzales, Jason Bayle, Rob Mello, Phi Vu...
Title: Child's Play 3
Tagline: There comes a time to put away childhood things. But some things won't stay put!
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Director: Jack Bender
Cast: Brad Dourif, Justin Whalin, Perrey Reeves, Jeremy Sylvers, Travis Fine, Dean Jacobson, Dakin Matthews, Andrew Robinson...
Title: The Wailing
Tagline: Never be tempted.
Genre: Horror, Mystery
Director: Na Hong-jin
Cast: Kwak Do-won, Hwang Jung-min, Chun Woo-hee, Jun Kunimura, Kim Hwan-hee, Heo Jin, Jang So-yeon, Kim Do-yoon, Jo Han-chul, Son Kang-gook, Park Sung-yeon, Bae Yong-geun, Kim Ki-chun, Yoo...
Title: Child's Play
Genre: Horror
Director: Tom Holland
Cast: Catherine Hicks, Chris Sarandon, Alex Vincent, Brad Dourif, Dinah Manoff, Tommy Swerdlow, Jack Colvin, Neil Giuntoli, Juan Ramírez, Alan Wilder, Richard Baird, Ray Oliver, Aaron Osborne, Tyler Hard, Ted Liss, Roslyn...