Title: The Killer
Tagline: Execution is everything.
Genre: Crime, Thriller
Director: David Fincher
Cast: Michael Fassbender, Tilda Swinton, Charles Parnell, Arliss Howard, Kerry O'Malley, Sophie Charlotte, Emiliano Pernia, Gabriel Polanco, Sala Baker, Endre Hules, Bernard Bygott...
Title: To Catch a Killer
Genre: Crime, Thriller, Mystery
Director: Damián Szifron
Cast: Shailene Woodley, Ben Mendelsohn, Jovan Adepo, Ralph Ineson, Rosemary Dunsmore, Jason Cavalier, Mark Camacho, Darcy Laurie, Karine Dion, Arthur Holden, Richard Zeman, Adam LeBlanc, Sean Tucker...
Title: The Rift
Tagline: 'You Can't Hold your Breath & Scream at the Same Time'
Genre: Action, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, Thriller
Director: Juan Piquer Simón
Cast: Jack Scalia, R. Lee Ermey, Ray Wise, Deborah Adair, John Toles-Bey, Ely Pouget, Emilio Linder, Tony Isbert...
Title: The Pope's Exorcist
Tagline: Inspired by the actual files of Father Gabriele Amorth, Chief Exorcist of the Vatican.
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Fantasy
Director: Julius Avery
Cast: Russell Crowe, Daniel Zovatto, Alex Essoe, Franco Nero, Peter DeSouza-Feighoney, Laurel Marsden...
Mystery, Thriller | 28 October 2016 (USA)
Inferno (2016) - IMDb
In Post-Production
After waking up in a hospital room in Florence, Italy, with no memory of what has occurred for the last few days, Robert Langdon suddenly finds himself the target of a manhunt. With the help of Dr. Sienna Brooks...