urban fantasy

  1. The Magicians

    Fantasy The Magicians

    Title: The Magicians Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy First aired: 2015-12-16 Creator: Sera Gamble Cast: Olivia Taylor Dudley, Arjun Gupta, Stella Maeve, Jade Tailor, Hale Appleman, Summer Bishil Overview: Brakebills University is a secret institution specializing in magic. There...
  2. Bright (2017)

    Fantasy Bright (2017)

    Title: Bright Genre: Fantasy, Action, Thriller Director: David Ayer Cast: Will Smith, Joel Edgerton, Lucy Fry, Noomi Rapace, Edgar Ramírez, Ike Barinholtz, Ngô Thanh Vân, Alex Meraz, Happy Anderson, Dawn Olivieri, Matt Gerald, Margaret Cho, Joseph Piccuirro, Brad William Henke, Jay...