
  1. Horror Corbin Nash (2018)

    Title: Corbin Nash Tagline: Darkness has found a new enemy Genre: Action, Horror, Thriller Director: Ben Jagger Cast: Malcolm McDowell, Corey Feldman, Rutger Hauer, Dean S. Jagger, Bruce Davison, Fernanda Romero, Patrick Brennan, Elizabeth Greer, Courtney Gains, Michael Emery, Katie...
  2. Horror Innocent Blood (1992)

    Title: Innocent Blood Tagline: The movie that goes straight for the jugular. Genre: Comedy, Horror, Thriller, Crime Director: John Landis Cast: Anne Parillaud, Anthony LaPaglia, Robert Loggia, Chazz Palminteri, David Proval, Rocco Sisto, Tony Sirico, Tony Lip, Kim Coates, Marshall...
  3. Horror Blood: The Last Vampire (2009)

    Title: Blood: The Last Vampire Tagline: Where evil grows, she preys. Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller Director: Chris Nahon Cast: Jun Ji-hyun, Allison Miller, Liam Cunningham, Koyuki, JJ Feild, Yasuaki Kurata, Larry Lamb, Andrew Pleavin, Michael Byrne...