Season 5 5.12 Title

I think the title sounds very promising!!
alias has been good this year in exception to vaughn dieing.
This seems like a very sydney centered ep. so how could it not be good?
I can't wait for alias to be back, but the 100th ep. is what i am really excited about!!

love you guys
Nice. It's like paying tribute to Sydney's character and all her sacrifices. This is reach the 100th episode. And I watch every single one of them for past 5 years...WOW :rolleyes: How time's a great TV show and I never doubt it.
i think it could be that Vaughn comes back saying that they tried to do to him what they did to sydney to get information and that to him theres only one sydney bristow or it could also be what superintelligentone said
I like the title as long as it doesn't refer to a clone of Sydney. Please, we've already had too many doubles, what with Project Helix and Sloane Clone. It's bad enough cloning such awesome characters to begin with, but to clone the main character? 🇳🇴 That would really be the death of Alias.

Idon't know what everyone has against clones, especially Arwin Clone, since he wasn't an actual clone at all.

Anyway, it is an interesting title, because usually they don't tend to be that long, and it is the first time a character is named in the title. I don't think there will be any clones (because otherwise, they wouldn't tell you in the title that you are supposed to expect two Sydneys) and also, I believe that this is the kind of title which has you thinking for a month what cool things will happen (just like The Awful Truth) BUT nothing special actually happens. Wow, that was a long sentence.
id b glad to c more of syd, but when i first read the title, i thought it was very un-ALIAS like, n personally, it seems dumb
I cannot wait for the next episode. Just watched part 10 and 11 and the end of the last part: "You've a daughter" OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG maan, i won't sleep i'm so excited!!